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Leadership Webinars



Peter DeWitt

Collaborative Leadership: 6 Influences That Matter Most

Monday, November 27, 2017 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Peter DeWitt

Whether we are teacher leaders, instructional coaches, or building and district leaders, there needs to be a focus on student as well as adult learning and impact. Collaborative Leadership: 6 Influences That Matter Most will uncover how leaders can use six of the high-effect influences on learning from John Hattie’s research to foster growth in their teachers and put the focus on learning for students.



Growth Coaching as a Vehicle for Transforming School Culture

Monday, November 6, 2017 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by John Campbell and Christian van Nieuwerburgh

Hallways, parking lots, staff rooms—these are all places where you and your staff have conversations every day. What if you could use these opportunities to build your staff’s resiliency and empower them to reach their goals. In this webinar, John Campbell and Christian van Nieuwerburgh introduce a proven, accessible, and usable framework to increase your interpersonal effectiveness and grow your ability to coach your staff to overcome obstacles and create their own solutions.


Larry Ainsworth

Formative Assessment in Practice

Monday, October 30, 2017 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Larry Ainsworth

Discover how teacher teams can gain the clarity to intentionally align standards, instruction, assessment, and data analysis to ensure greater student achievement that is visible on high-stakes assessments. The CFA 2.0 process fosters the clarity teachers need to align their pre- and post-assessments and use the resulting student feedback as diagnostic data to adjust and differentiate instruction.


Kara Vandas

Teacher Clarity: A Catalyst to Student Clarity and Success

Monday, June 12, 2017 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Kara Vandas

When teachers have a deep understanding of what students must know and be able to do, the rate of student learning can double (Hattie, 2012). What’s more, teacher clarity leads to greater student clarity, which empowers students to take greater ownership over their learning, goal setting, and proving their learning. Join Corwin author and consultant, Kara Vandas, to explore the simple but powerful practices that you can begin implementing to streamline instruction and assessment, and drastically accelerate learning.


Releasing Leadership Brilliance

Monday, May 22, 2017 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Simon T. Bailey and Marceta F. Reilly

How do you successfully move your school or district from mediocrity to brilliance? Drawing on their vast expertise in the business and education worlds, Simon T. Bailey and Marceta F. Reilly provide a simple and sustainable framework that will help you overcome educational inertia to reach new heights of achievement.


Hattie’s New #1 Effect Size: Collective Teacher Efficacy

Monday, March 6, 2017 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Kristin Anderson

What if you could triple the speed of student learning? According to new findings by Professor John Hattie, a strong sense of Collective Teacher Efficacy (d=1.57) can yield over three years of student growth over one school year. Now ranked the most powerful influence on achievement in the Visible Learning research, Collective Teacher Efficacy is a belief that together teachers can positivity impact student learning. When efficacy is high, teachers show greater persistence and are more likely to try new teaching approaches. Join Visible Learningplus expert Kristin Anderson for an insider’s understanding.


Leading Professional Conversations

Monday, December 5, 2016 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Charlotte Danielson

Research has long suggested that the most powerful contributor to teacher growth and learning are the professional conversations that accompany observations of classroom practice and the analysis of student work. This webinar will explore the cultural and institutional structures that contribute to productive conversations and provide school leaders with the key first steps to enriching their conversations to improve teacher reflection and learning.



The Right Drivers for Systemic Change

Monday, October 31, 2016 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Michael Fullan

Learn to enhance student learning and bring people and ideas together as Michael Fullan presents his Coherence Framework and discusses how you can make effective school and district change by fostering deep coherence.  In this webinar, Fullan takes you by the hand and shows you how, in just a short time, you can focus direction, cultivate a collaborative culture, deepen learning, and secure accountability in your district and start your school down the path to maximizing success.


Ray and Julie Smith

What Impact School Leadership Looks Like

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Ray & Julie Smith

Leaders tend to spread their time and energies around, investing in a variety of activities that seem worthwhile without realizing that roughly 80 percent of their leadership impact will come from only 20 percent of their leadership practices. The Smiths come together to show just how much leaders can improve leadership impact by allocating professional leadership time and resources more strategically.



Clarifying Criteria for Success: A Pathway for Teachers and Students

Monday, September 19, 2016 - 3:30pm PDT

Presented by Larry Ainsworth, Kara Vandas, & Mary Jane O’Connell

Imagine the possibility of tripling students’ rate of academic growth in the span of just one year. Such a vast leap sounds like a dream, but the research tells us that accelerating learning in this dramatic way is not just a far-reaching hope; in fact, it’s doable for every teacher, in every classroom. Providing students with a deep understanding of specific learning intentions and success criteria brings a type of clarity that results in just that kind of exponential acceleration.  This webinar will introduce participants to practical methods that can significantly accelerate learning for all students by ensuring both teachers, and their students, are absolutely clear about what students need to learn, why they are learning it, and how.


How to Drive Schoolwide Teacher Inquiry

Monday, June 6, 2016 - 3:30pm PDT

Watch Brad & Genevieve Ermeling Archived Webinar

Many schools and districts have carved out time for teachers to collaborate and solve problems of practice. But once teams are up and running, assisting each group to maximize the value of collaborative inquiry can be a daunting challenge for any instructional leader. In this webinar, Brad and Genevieve Ermeling provide practical guidance and resources from extensive US and international research to help school leaders support and sustain schoolwide teacher inquiry.