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Conference Overview

The National Summit for Courageous Conversation (NSCC) brings together dedicated leaders for racial equity from around the nation and across the globe to engage in a deepened conversation about systemic racism and its impact on opportunity and achievement in schools, colleges, business, government and community. The NSCC provides a unique space for collaborative exploration of the knowledge and skills needed to eliminate racial disparities in performance and experience.

The 2016 NSCC will feature inspiring speakers, distinguished international educators, and a host of equity practitioners from school districts, independent schools, universities, state departments of education and corporations who will share an inside view of their challenges and triumphs as they strive to achieve racial equity in their personal and professional contexts.

In a wide variety of concurrent learning sessions, participants will have an opportunity to:

  • Inspire leadership for promoting equity in classrooms, boardrooms, offices and communities.
  • Share models for student equity leadership on PreK-12 school, college and university campuses.
  • Discover ways to effectively engage with communities of color.
  • Discuss the intersection of race, language and politics on the education of Latino children.
  • Address issues of racial disparity in special education and English language learning.
  • Examine the educational crisis for girls and boys and young women and men of color.
  • Identify and address the special barriers confronted by Indigenous children, families and communities in public, charter and Bureau (BIA) schools.
  • Explore innovative strategies for advancing equity through technology.

The National Summit for Courageous Conversation is uniquely designed for educators, civic and community leaders and corporate professionals who are committed to elevating individual and organizational racial consciousness and eradicating predictable racial disparities. We encourage you to join us for this opportunity to hear from some of the leading voices on racial equity, to share leadership strategies, to be inspired by entertainment provided by talented Austin area students, and to celebrate the efforts currently underway around the country and abroad, to raise achievement levels for all learners.