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Resources for the Education of Young Children

For this Week of the Young Child 2020, we've gathered some of our favorite free resources in order to celebrate and honor the amazing educators who teach our young children. Each resource is designed to empower teachers to make a greater impact on student learning and prepare students for the future.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for resources we’ll be sharing all week!


Teaching Essentials and Brain-Based Strategies

  1. [ExcerptIdentifying Concepts and Skills The Teacher Clarity Playbook
  2. [Webinar] Beautiful Questions in the Classroom – Warren Berger and Elise Foster
  3. [Blog] Asking Bigger, More Beautiful Questions About School Corwin Connect
  4. [Blog] Finding Balance with Blended Learning – Corwin Connect
  5. [Podcast] The Balance – Catlin Tucker
  6. [Excerpt] Concept Attainment Tools for Teaching Conceptual Understanding, Elementary
  7. [Blog] The Myth of the Brain/Body Dichotomy Corwin Connect
  8. [Excerpt] Teaching Self-Regulation Activities, Games, and Lessons for Social Learning
  9. [Activities] Brain Breaks Energizing Brain Breaks



  1. [Blog] 6 Tips for Ramping-Up Your Read Aloud ExperienceCorwin Connect
  2. [Blog] Connecting With Caregivers: How to Keep On Exploring Words Beyond 3:00—and All Summer LongCorwin Connect
  3. [Lesson] Let's Read & Write: I'm a Little TeapotText Structures from Nursery Rhymes
  4. [Video] Phonics InstructionThis Is Balanced Literacy
  5. [Video] Handwriting LessonThis Is Balanced Literacy



  1. [Excerpt] More or Less? Estimating ResultsDaily Routines to Jump-Start Math Class, Elementary School
  2. [Excerpt] How to: Planning Effective Strengths-Based Instruction Strengths-Based Teaching and Learning in Mathematics, Grades K-6
  3. [Excerpt] Anticipating Student ResponsesThe Five Practices in Practice [Elementary]
  4. [Checklist] Elements to Incorporate into your STEAM PBLStep Into STEAM, Grades K-5
  5. [Checklist] Creating Tests that Assess MasteryTeaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom, Grades K-2


Additional Recommended Resources

If you’d like to read more, here are all of the books referenced on this page! For a limited time, get free shipping using promo code WOYCSHIP at checkout. Offer expires April 19th.