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Play All the Way

Play All the Way
Simple and Effective Learning Ideas for 4 – 5 year olds

November 2024 | 240 pages | Corwin UK

Unleash the Power of Play!

Curated by early years expert, @allaboutearlyyears’ Hayley Winter, this dazzling full-color book is your gateway to a world of creativity and discovery for young minds. Packed with imaginative ideas that spark curiosity and inspire exploration, each chapter is thoughtfully structured around the seven key areas of development. Inside, you'll find comprehensive learning goals, detailed activity guides, and captivating photos straight from real-life settings. Perfect for early years practitioners, this book is your ultimate toolkit for fostering playful growth and development in every child. Dive in and watch the magic of play unfold!

Personal, Social and Emotional development
Communication and language
Physical development
Literacy development
Mathematics development
Understanding the world
Expressive Arts and Design

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ISBN: 9781529622065

For large school/district orders, volume discounts, availability and shipping times contact customer service at 800-233-9936

For instructors