Reshaping the Principalship
Insights From Transformational Reform Efforts
- Joseph Murphy - Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA
- Karen Seashore Louis - University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA
March 1994 | 312 pages | Corwin
Understand the dynamics of change and the uniquely evolving role principals play in school reform.
Joseph Murphy and Lynn G Beck
Reconstructing the Principalship
Challenges and Possibilities
Joseph Murphy
Transformational Change and the Evolving Role of the Principal
Early Empirical Evidence
R Bruce McPherson and Robert L Crowson
The Principal as Mini-Superintendent Under Chicago School Reform
Kenneth Leithwood, Doris Jantzi and Alicia Fernandez
Transformational Leadership and Teachers' Commitment to Change
Sheila Rosenblum, Karen Seashore Louis and Richard A Rossmiller
School Leadership and Teacher Quality of Work Life in Restructuring Schools
Nona A Prestine
Ninety Degrees from Everywhere
New Understandings of the Principal's Role in a Restructuring Essential School
Philip Hallinger and Charles Hausman
From Attila the Hun to Mary Had a Little Lamb
Principal Role Ambiguity in Restructured Schools
Lynn G Beck
Cultivating a Caring School Community
One Principal's Story
Carl D Glickman, Lewis R Allen and Barbara F Lunsford
Voices of Principals from Democratically Transformed Schools
Kent D Peterson and Valli D Warren
Changes in School Governance and Principals' Roles
Changing Jurisdictions, New Power Dynamics, and Conflict in Restructured Schools
David T Conley and Paul Goldman
Ten Propositions for Facilitative Leadership
Karen Seashore Louis and Joseph Murphy
The Evolving Role of the Principal
Some Concluding Thoughts