E-learning Theory and Practice
- Caroline Haythornthwaite - University of British Colombia, Canada
- Richard Andrews - University of East Anglia, UK
In E-learning Theory and Practice the authors set out different perspectives on e-learning. The book deals with the social implications of e-learning, its transformative effects, and the social and technical interplay that supports and directs e-learning.
The authors present new perspectives on the subject by:
- Exploring the way teaching and learning are changing with the presence of the Internet and participatory media
- Providing a theoretical grounding in new learning practices from education, communication and information science
- Addressing e-learning in terms of existing learning theories, emerging online learning theories, new literacies, social networks, social worlds, community and virtual communities, and online resources
- Emphasizing the impact of everyday electronic practices on learning, literacy and the classroom, locally and globally.
This book is for everyone involved in e-learning. Teachers and educators will gain an understanding of new learning practices, and learners will gain a sense of their new role as active participants in classroom and lifelong learning. Graduate students and researchers will gain insight into the direction of research in this new and exciting area of education and the Internet.
All lecturers agreed that this book would deepen students' understanding of key issues relation to Education. It has been recommened in the module handbook for 2011
The book is relevant for vocational teacher education since e-learing now is a part of both their own learning and training at our university college and also part of vocational learning and training in higher secondary education which is the level the teachers are educated for. Part of the book will be recommended reading and the rest supplementary reading.
A very balanced and up to date e-learning book. I am going to substitute the previous one with this book. Thank you for my copy.
I was hoping that this book would be more applied in its context. Looking at both the theory behind using e-learning and how it can be utilised most effectively. However I found this highly theoretical and although useful to me as a lecturer it would not be as valuable to students looking to become primary or secondary practitioners.
This is a very useful text covering many key issues relating to e-learning. The text in my view provides some useful elements which are suitable for students.
This textbook is very current. For those with an interest in e-learning it gives some useful information. For the student with an interest in this field it will provide a good starting point.
I have found this book useful when planning future programmes - how to utlise e-learning
this had some useful elements and chapters but I would not use the full text on this course
However I thought it was a well conceived and informative text
Extremely useful in terms of philosophy, theory and practice, particularly in regard to learning theories.
This book provides an interesting introduction and exploration on e-learning. There are sections which help put a relatively new learning mode into context (a history of IT development for example) with up to date reading lists, and personal accounts of academics' experiences and work in the e-learning field. This makes for a comprehensive text which puts the learning practices into context, acknowledging theoretical positions on learning and highlighting real examples of the progress and potential development in e-learning. The book takes examples from around the world and concludes by considering how research in e-learning can be further developed.