“This book includes a wealth of practical ideas for the new teacher. Written from a mentor's point of view, it is an excellent resource with relevant topics, easy to read, rich with concrete real-life examples, and filled with strategies that can be implemented immediately.”
“This is a wonderful guide for new teachers. The anecdotes from actual classroom situations help develop a connection between the author and the novice teacher. This helpful guide is practical, upbeat, and the ideas are easy to implement. Everyone needs a positive coach to encourage his/her development as an excellent teacher!"
“The contributions from this delightful, caring, mentor-on-the side approach will assure the new educator that all issues can be addressed by working together with resources already available—including this book! The practical T.I.P.S. are a teacher’s gold mine. The book offers a great balance of useful information—very pleasing to the busy teacher’s time palate.”