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Conference Overview and Detailed Schedule

Join us at the Annual Visible Learningplus Conference, and you will:

  • Network with the greatest minds and biggest stars in education: John Hattie, Michael Fullan, Pedro Noguera, Viviane Robinson, Simon Breakspear, Larry Ainsworth, Gail Thompson, Jim Knight, Tom Guskey, Andrea Honigsfeld, and more!

  • Be able to craft your own Visible Learning journey throughout the two days with 68 sessions and 102 speakers addressing John Hattie’s ten mindframes for learning

  • Hear directly from educators at schools and districts putting Visible Learning methods into practice and learn how you can do it, too
  • Review the big ideas behind Visible Learning and the major factors that influence student learning and stay abreast of new findings from the cutting-edge Visible Learning research
  • Make connections between the Visible Learning research and high-effect instructional models in pre-conference sessions addressing Agile Leadership, High-Impact Instruction, Deep Equity, Common Formative Assessment 2.0, Leading Impact Teams, and Visible Learningplus Foundation Day
  • Align the right literacy strategies at just the right time, linking the work of heavy-hitters John Hattie, Doug Fisher, and Nancy Frey at the Visible Literacy post-conference Institute

Download the full Conference Overview and Detailed Agenda