Corwin approaches professional learning with a focus on building educators’ knowledge of evidence-based practices and providing implementation support to help educators move from surface to deep to transfer. Our services are delivered through a variety of on-site formats, from high-energy keynotes and practical workshops, to support knowledge development, to implementation and coaching days that support the application of new skills.
This model allows Corwin to design purposeful PD approaches and ensure that educators have both the opportunity to gain new knowledge, and the support needed to apply it to everyday practice. This intentional sequencing of PD creates the conditions for lasting change and impact.
Foundation Day (2-day Workshop)
This workshop demonstrates practical ways teachers can begin to build the schema in students’ brains that facilitates deeper understanding and the ability to unlock complex problems through learning transfer.
Learning Intentions:
Core Workshop Day (2-day Workshop)
Following from the Foundation Day workshop, this Core Workshop illustrates important principles and related strategies for designing ongoing, formative assessments for conceptual understanding. These assessments, paired with positive feedback, are essential in providing information to both teacher and student about progress and insight into what to do next. Teachers will learn more in-depth strategies of facilitating learning transfer and draft another complete lesson series, along with formative assessments, to implement.
Learning intentions:
Implementation Day
Implementation Day includes walk-throughs, instruction coaching, and opportunities to talk through any potential questions or challenges. This day is a powerful way to engage with leaders and teachers on what the learning environment looks like, sounds like, feels like and examining the impact thus far.