Explore with Peter DeWitt, bestselling author of Flipping Leadership Doesn’t Mean Reinventing the Wheel and Collaborative Leadership, how leaders can flip their faculty meetings and parent communications to build a more engaging school climate.
Explore with Peter DeWitt, bestselling author of Flipping Leadership Doesn’t Mean Reinventing the Wheel and Collaborative Leadership, how leaders can flip their faculty meetings and parent communications to build a more engaging school climate.
Gain insight from Pam Robbin and Harvey B. Alvy, bestselling authors of The Principal's Companion, on how to become an even more effective principal.
Explore with Joe Crawford, author of Aligning Your Curriculum to the Common Core State Standards, tools for mapping CCSS to curriculum, instruction, and assessment and methods to facilitate learning among all students.
Gain insight from Michael Fullan, author of Motion Leadership and Motion Leadership in Action, on how motion leadership can push individuals, organizations, and whole systems forward.
Discover from Dr. Yong Zhao, author of World-Class Learners, how to better prepare students to become creative and entrepreneurial thinkers.
Break the cycle of surface level change in education leadership. Learn more about Nuance by Michael Fullan here.
Listen in as Peter DeWitt joins Justin Baeder on Principal Center Radio to discuss leadership strategies and his book, Collaborative Leadership.
Listen in on this Principal Center Radio podcast on The Lead Learner with author Michael McDowell.
In this webinar, two award-winning principals and authors of Future Focused Leaders square off on some of the biggest problems school leaders are facing in education. They’ll share strategies to amplify learning and help you apply positive deviance to break through the barriers you may be facing.
In this podcast, part of the In Teacher's Shoes series by VoiceEd Radio, discover how Evan Robb, author of The Ten-Minute Principal, is a true leader in changing education through positive change and disruption of traditional practices and see how he truly "walks the talk" to enact real change.
By helping leaders focus on impactful goals, coaches demonstrate how leaders can become better coaches for their assistant principals, building an overall stronger school community. Watch Peter DeWitt, author of Coach It Further, as he uses a unique case study approach to guide participants through the coaching process.
The educational landscape is evolving, thanks to continuous advances in technology and a changing learner. As a result, educators must recognize this shift, anticipate needed changes, and lead by example if we’re to meet the diverse needs of key stakeholders in the 21st Century. Watch Eric Sheninger, author of Digital Leadership, to learn how to harness the power of today’s digital tools and social media to improve communications, enhance public relations, establish a brand presence, increase student engagement, transform learning spaces, discover opportunity, and grow professionally like never before.