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153 Results Found for "CF2"


Self-Reflection: In What Ways Did I Contribute to My Group?
Self-Reflection: In What Ways Did I Contribute to My Group?

Use this self-reflection tool from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson with your students to help them to discover ways that they could be more collaborative and develop a growth mindset in their collaboration skills.


Checklist: Feedback Starters and Responses
Checklist: Feedback Starters and Responses

Use these feedback starters and responses from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson to inform your strategies for delivering feedback in your classroom that students can use.


Self-Reflection: Developing My Best Self
Self-Reflection: Developing My Best Self

Use this self-reflection tool from Teaching the Whole Teen by Rachel Poliner and Jeffrey Benson with your students and help them discover what gets in the way of being their best selves and how they can further develop themselves.


The InterActive Classroom Introduction
The InterActive Classroom Introduction

In this introduction from The InterActive Classroom, author Ron Nash discusses the role of iGen'ers in the classroom and how to bring them from being passive attendees to active participants.


Podcast: How Teaching with Movement Works in Real Classrooms
Podcast: How Teaching with Movement Works in Real Classrooms

Tune in to this episode of the Bam! Radio Network podcast with Mike Kuczala, author of Ready, Set, Go!, and explore how to take the idea of kinesthetic learning and translate it into practical classroom strategies.

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Six-Step Planning Model for Differentiated Learning
Six-Step Planning Model for Differentiated Learning

This six-step planning model from Gayle Gregory’s Differentiated Instructional Strategies helps teachers make critical decisions about differentiated instruction and assessment.


Group Activity: Brain Drain
Group Activity: Brain Drain

In this group activity from More Energizing Brain Breaks, students practice communicating their undersanding of a difficult concept to peers in order to reinforce their recent learning.

