These lessons from Writers Read Better: Narrative focus on idea generation and strategies for writing fiction, including drawing together plots and shaping stories that match the meaning that young writers are after.
These lessons from Writers Read Better: Narrative focus on idea generation and strategies for writing fiction, including drawing together plots and shaping stories that match the meaning that young writers are after.
Use this chart from Word Study That Sticks by Pamela Koutrakos to help you pick the right assessment type to assess word learning.
Use these example cycle schedules from Word Study That Sticks by Pamela Koutrakos to help you plan out daily time for word study to ensure it happens consistently.
In this excerpt from Word Study That Sticks by Pamela Koutrakos, get a tour of word study in action and listen in and hear how real word exploring might go.
Use these activities from The Word Study That Sticks Companion by Pamela Koutrakos with your young readers to expand their word learning.
Use this helpful chart from The Word Study That Sticks Companion by Pamela Koutrakos to match your students to the patterns and words they may be prepared to learn depending on their understanding.
Use these activities from The Word Study That Sticks Companion by Pamela Koutrakos with your young readers to expand their word learning.
What if the key to increasing the long-term impact of our classrooms and schools was doing fewer things much better? Read the full blog from Dave Stuart Jr., author of These 6 Things, to learn more about how to focus your teaching on what actually matters.
In this excerpt from What Are You Grouping For? Grades 3-8, discover the differences between guided reading and small group instruction.
In this letter from This Is Balanced Literacy, Grades K-6, by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nancy Akhavan, the authors briefly discuss their view of what balanced literacy is and the impact it can have on teaching and learning.
In this excerpt from Every Child Can Write, Grades 2-5, by Melanie Meehan, you’ll discover how to determine where and how students get stuck in their process, and how we can help them find the right entry point.
Students learn to read and write best when their teachers balance literacy instruction. But how do you strike the right balance of skills and knowledge, reading and writing, small and whole group instruction, and direct and dialogic instruction, so that all students can learn to their maximum potential? Watch this video with Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, and Nancy Akhavan, authors of This Is Balanced Literacy, Grades K-6, as they answer the question: What is balanced literacy?