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27 Results Found for "Education Leadership"


Webinar: Closing the Implementation Gap
Webinar: Closing the Implementation Gap

Watch this free Education Week webinar to explore how to bypass the implementation gap in your school or district by implementing the evidence-based and field-tested Building to Impact 5D methodology found in the all-new book, Building to Impact, by Arran Hamilton, Douglas Reeves, Janet Clinton, and John Hattie. Following the Five D’s, you’ll learn how to turn the good ideas of your leadership teams, PLCs, and educators into real systematic impact.

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Podcast: Teaching, Learning and Trauma
Podcast: Teaching, Learning and Trauma

The essential theme underlying this series is highlighted right in the podcast’s subtitle: a whole community approach. That means, to effectively identify and lessen the impact of student trauma requires mental health practitioners, faculty members, parents, and community members to work together. Brooke O’Drobinak, an administrator, teacher, and instructional coach, and Beth Kelley, a trauma informed consultant and conscious leadership coach offer a number of powerful ideas on how educators — without extensive training — can contribute to reducing the effects of trauma. That awareness and effort can in turn give educators greater confidence that they can have the desired impact.

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What Does Racism Have to Do with Frontline Leadership
What Does Racism Have to Do with Frontline Leadership

In this forward to The Race Card, professor and author Mark Anthony Goodwin discusses the importance of conceptualizing race and racism for education leaders.

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