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Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction

In this excerpt from the second edition of The Pedagogy of Real Talk, author Paul Hernandez shares his personal experience as a student at-promise and what inspired him to develop his Real Talk pedagogy.

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Creating an Actively Engaged Classroom Introduction
Creating an Actively Engaged Classroom Introduction

In this introductory excerpt from Creating an Actively Engaged Classroom, the authors discuss the importance of engagement on student learning and summarize the strategies that can be learned throughout the rest of the book.

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How Learning Works Introduction
How Learning Works Introduction

In this introduction to How Learning Works, the authors discuss the purpose and how to use their playbook, plus give a brief overview of how learning truly works—not by chance, but by design.

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Module 5 - Promising Principle 1: Motivation
Module 5 - Promising Principle 1: Motivation

In Module 5 from How Learning Works, the authors discuss the first of their "promising principles": Motivation. In this module, they bridge the gap between ideas and theories around motivation and the application of these strategies in the classroom.

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Practitioner's Corner: Strategies for Using Movement
Practitioner's Corner: Strategies for Using Movement

In this "Practitioner's Corner" from How the Brain Learns, 6th Edition, you'll learn several key strategies for incorporating movement into your lessons for students of all ages, improving engagement and helping them retain the lessons learned.


Practitioner's Corner: Avoid Teaching Concepts That Are Very Similar to Improve Transfer
Practitioner's Corner: Avoid Teaching Concepts That Are Very Similar to Improve Transfer

In this "Practitioner's Corner" from How the Brain Learns, 6th Edition, you'll learn how teaching concepts that are similar can hinder, rather than help, transfer learning. Plus, author David A. Sousa offers his solutions.


Podcast: The Peak Performing Teacher
Podcast: The Peak Performing Teacher

Listen into this episode of the Global PhysEd Voxcast featuring author Mike Kuczala. In the podcast, he discusses his new book, The Peak Performing Teacher.

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Podcast: Five Habits for Success
Podcast: Five Habits for Success

Listen in on this podcast from the Energetic Education Podcast with Peak Performing Teacher author Mike Kuczala. In the podcast, he uncovers 5 key habits for teaching success.

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powerED Up Podcast: The Peak Performing Teacher
powerED Up Podcast: The Peak Performing Teacher

Listen into this episode of the powerED Podcast featuring author Mike Kuczala. In the podcast, he discusses his new book, The Peak Performing Teacher.

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Webinar: Move & Learn
Webinar: Move & Learn

Quick physical and mental activities are perfect for transitions and help learners re-focus and refresh. In this exciting webinar, authors David Sladkey and Scott Miller share the surprising effects of incorporating movement in the classroom, plus ready-to-go Brain Breaks that you can use with your students.

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Webinar: Move & Learn
Webinar: Move & Learn

Quick physical and mental activities are perfect for transitions and help learners re-focus and refresh. In this exciting webinar, authors David Sladkey and Scott Miller share the surprising effects of incorporating movement in the classroom, plus ready-to-go Brain Breaks that you can use with your students.

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The Early Childhood Education Playbook Introduction
The Early Childhood Education Playbook Introduction

In this introduction to The Early Childhood Education Playbook, the authors share the learning intentions of the playbook as well as provide several reflection prompts to determine your goals for engaging with this work as well as how you can use this playbook to unpack unique characteristics of early childhood education as well as coherent practices that form a strong foundation for learning over time.

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