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What's New in the Second Edition
What's New in the Second Edition

This book focuses on the ways in which school leaders—including superintendents, principals, curriculum supervisors, coaches, mentors, teachers, teacher educators, and other stakeholders—can create effective school policies, practices, and structures for MLs in their contexts. Read on to learn what's changed since the first edition of this bestselling book was published and explore the focus of each chapter.

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Starting With Our Students and Ourselves
Starting With Our Students and Ourselves

This book focuses on creating, implementing, and sustaining effective language assistance programs for MLs. This sample chapter explores three questions that together provide a useful starting point for school- and district-leaders approaching this work:

  • Who are MLs?
  • Typically, who are the educators of MLs
  • How does our work to support MLs complement our district's or school's mission and vision?

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Emphasizing the Importance of Family Engagement
Emphasizing the Importance of Family Engagement

Every family constellation, regardless of configuration, is foundational to a child’s development, understanding of the world around them, social interactions, and cultural identity. This sample chapter includes strategies for linking parent involvement to student learning and provides sample staff and family surveys you can adapt to your school.


Prepare to Take Off
Prepare to Take Off

This book aims to facilitate collaborative approaches while working with dual language learners, transforming dual language programs for multilingualism. Each of the chapters provides essential, research-informed, evidence-based content; tools and resources for actionable transfer to practice; real-world vignettes with work samples and photos; and built-in points of reflection that allow you to make each chapter applicable to your own context. Download this sample for a more detailed summary of each chapter and the book’s key tools.


Dual Language is For Everyone
Dual Language is For Everyone

What is dual language education and what are its benefits? How can collaboration and co-teaching support dual language educators? This free sample may change the way you think about dual language learning!

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Collaborative Planning in Dual Language Programs
Collaborative Planning in Dual Language Programs

Collaborative planning is an essential component of dual language programs regardless of the model of instruction. This sample presents the what, when, and why of collaborative planning. Read on to discover how collaborative planning can ensure impactful program implementation and consistent and rigorous yet highly supportive learning experiences for all students.
