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"Put It in Writing" Wall Chart & Student Handout
"Put It in Writing" Wall Chart & Student Handout

This reproducible chart and student handout from Teaching Numeracy remind students of the importance of recording what they have learned, what they noticed, what makes sense, etc. (K-12)


My PLN Reflection Sheet
My PLN Reflection Sheet

Use this tool from The Novice Advantage by Jonathan Eckert to think through your PLN and how you can make it even better.


Keep CALM and Teach Activity: Visualize Your Ideal Classroom
Keep CALM and Teach Activity: Visualize Your Ideal Classroom

In this complimentary activity from Keep CALM and Teach, teachers can engage in the first step toward having a CALM classroom: visualizing their ideal classroom.


Mindful by Design: Mindfulness Exercises
Mindful by Design: Mindfulness Exercises

These exercises on walking meditation and levity moments from Mindful by Design include step-by-step mindfulness lessons embedded into specific curriculum areas, ready to implement immediately. 


Word Study That Sticks Activity: Yep! Maybe . . . Huh?
Word Study That Sticks Activity: Yep! Maybe . . . Huh?

There's no sense to learning to spell words we don't understand. This activity from Word Study That Sticks helps you review with your K-2 students the words they understand (or don't) for greater clarity. 


Activities for Launching Small Groups
Activities for Launching Small Groups

Use these two activities from What Are You Grouping For? to quickly build a sense of community, establish shared values around collaborative work, and "break the ice" in newly-formed groups. 


Activity: Yesterday's News
Activity: Yesterday's News

Summarizing is a great way to know if a student is understandning the main point of the reading. In this activity from The Big Book of Literacy Tasks, Grades K-8, the student will write a news story to another student explaining the most important points to know from the text read the day before.


Create an Inspiration Wall to Uplift All Students
Create an Inspiration Wall to Uplift All Students

Much like the adage “a rising tide lifts all boats,” displaying students’ writing about reading gives all students the opportunity to learn from—and aspire to— the ways of thinking of peers. Check out this activity from What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? Nonfiction, Grades 3-8 to learn how to create an effective inspiration wall for your classroom.

