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When you're looking for leadership expertise. look to Corwin. We wrote the book on leadership

 Corwin has one mission: to enhance education through intentional professional learning.

 When you’re looking for leadership expertise. Look to Corwin.  We wrote the book on leadership.



"Practical strategies for building coach-leader relationships"

Coach It Further by Peter M. Dewitt

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Leadership is complex work. High quality leadership coaching is one of the most effective methods of professional development for leaders. Coach It Further uses a narrative format to illustrate the important aspects of leadership that leaders and coaches can work on together to achieve their shared goals.

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NEW published in Aug. 2018 from Peter M DeWitt!

How to inspire your leaders to become learners. Peter DeWitt has his own take on leadership: school leaders, like the best athletes, need coaches. Leadership coaching offers principals the opportunity to learn with someone from outside of their typical circle of influence on a weekly or monthly basis. The coaching process can provide focus, offer outside perspective, raise self-efficacy, and help build collective efficacy.

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