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The Moral Imperative Realized

The Moral Imperative Realized

November 2010 | 96 pages | Corwin

"Like all of Fullan's work, this is a must read. He offers such precise strategies for implementation that inaction is no longer an option for educators who are committed to high levels of learning for all students."
—Richard DuFour, Author

Successful school leadership in action

Achieving excellence begins with hard work at the ground level. There is no question that the stakes have been raised and that school leaders have more pressure—and more opportunity—to make a bigger difference than ever before. Award-winning author and educational reform expert Michael Fullan takes the subject of moral leadership to the next level by showing how to put change into practice at the local and systemic levels. He explains how the combined forces of shared leadership make the difference, and outlines proven ways to:

  • Create a culture of moral leadership
  • Drive change with school leaders
  • Achieve systemwide progress
  • Avoid educational blind alleys

School leaders and principals must answer the call to drive the change our children deserve. This invaluable resource will inspire, educate, and provide a map for blazing the trail to success.

About the Author
1. Moral Purpose Is Not a Strategy
Moral Imperative as Strategy

Moral Purpose Is Not Sufficient

2. Realized Moral Purpose
Ontario: Crosby, Armadale, Rideau, South Simcoe

Chicago: 100 Schools

3. School and District Symbiosis
Sanger Unified School District

Fort Bend Independent School District

Ottawa Catholic District School Board

York Region District School Board

District and School Symbiosis

4. System Leaders
School Leaders Broaden Their Perspective

School Leaders as Formal System Leaders

System Leaders Themselves

Becoming "Superman"


"Every child must reach their potential, that is the moral imperative that Michael Fullan is again calling our attention to! Not only does The Moral Imperative Realized shine the light on the path that each of us in Public Education must walk; it provides the call to action that we must answer!"

Marcus P. Johnson, Superintendent
Sanger Unified School DIstrict, CA

"The Moral Imperative Realized is a call to action. Michael Fullan makes it clear that the most pious mission statement held with passionate conviction will not improve schools unless educators take strategic actions to bring that mission to life. More importantly, he offers specific examples of system-wide improvement with such precise strategies for implementation that inaction is no longer an option for educators who contend they are committed to high levels of learning for all students. Like all of Fullan's work, this is a must read."

Richard DuFour, Author

"Michael Fullan ups the ante once again for school reformers. In The Moral Imperative Realized, he makes it clear that anyone who ignores the moral dimensions of of school improvement is doomed to fail. This is an essential resource for any change leader."

Jim Knight, President
Instructional Coaching Group, Lawrence, KS

"A powerful and timely book that forcefully says that the only moral reality that counts is one that you can actually accomplish. And then Fullan shows how this can be done."

Bill Hogarth, Consultant
Leadership for Learning

"Michael Fullan has given us a powerful roadmap for combining passion and strategic action. Practical, succinct and engaging. If this book doesn't move leaders to realize their moral imperative, nothing will!"

Mary Jean Gallagher, Chief Student Achievement Officer
Ontario Ministry of Education
Key features

1. The idea of moral purpose has become much more serious. There is greater, more intense pressure on making it happen— and this book contains tools and examples of how to do just that.

2. We actually know how to accomplish greater moral purpose with results to show for it. I will furnish plenty of cases of actual implementation which allow us to see "how" it can be put into practice—what I call realized moral purpose

3. another dramatic change is that we are addressing larger swaths of the system. No longer is the moral imperative about this or that outstanding school. Rather it is about whole systems engaged in successful reform—whole districts, whole states or provinces, whole countries. All schools must be implicated in the pursuit of the moral imperative.

4. This book zeroes in on school and system leadership to show what it can do on the ground. It reveals how leaders are part and parcel of system change; that they can and must affect the micro and macro pictures.

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ISBN: 9781412996105

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