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Teaching | Learning | Coaching 2016 2016 Teaching Learning Conference

Partnering for Impact: Realizing Our Best Potential

The 2016 Teaching Learning Coaching Conference will convene administrators, instructional coaches, and teachers from across the globe to discuss one essential question- how can we all work together to achieve our personal best so that we, in turn, can help ensure our students’ achieve their personal best?

The paradigm of the growth mindset, or the notion that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work, has emerged in recent to replace the erroneous perception that intelligence is fixed and that teachers and students are either inherently “strong” or “weak.” Acclaimed author, Jim Knight, has worked to advance the idea that every teacher, student, and professional has the potential to get better. At the 2016 Teaching Learning Coaching Conference, you will use Knight’s extensive research base to explore your role as both a teacher and a learner and examine the impact you have on your students through the lens of self-improvement and growth.

This event will provide an interactive venue for educators to share best practices; make connections; discuss trends, needs, and breakthroughs; and visualize the future of schools that are committed to a shared goal of excellent instruction, every day, for every student. Come join us at the world’s leading conference for instructional coaching and instructional practice, where more than 50 education experts and practitioners will lead keynote presentations and learning sessions focused on high-impact teaching strategies, proven instructional coaching practices, and system change strategies designed to lead to high performance schools.