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Briscoe, Felecia M.

Felecia M. Briscoe

Felecia M. Briscoe, an associate professor, focuses her research on the relationship between power and knowledge. Her research interests are concerned with the development of educational equity especially as related to classism, racism, and sexism. She studies how power manifests in discourse.

Ted Purinton

Ted Purinton is assistant professor in the Department of Educational Leadership at National-Louis University in Chicago. His research interests are in organizational theory, educational policy, and innovation diffusion. He has worked with various organizations in their explorations of their own internal social networks.

Daria Cook Waetjen

Daria Cook Waetjen is a veteran teacher, special educator, and administrator. Currently at the Orange County Department of Education in Southern California, her focus is on organizational innovations and school reform.

Christopher P. Street

Chris Street, Ph.D. is an associate professor of Secondary Education at California State University, Fullerton. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas, Austin. He earned his M.A. from California State University, San Diego and his B.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara. Chris has taught English language learners at both the middle-school and college levels.

Lanning, Lois A.

Lois A. Lanning

Lois A. Lanning, PhD, is an independent education consultant.  She presents and works with districts at the international, national, and state levels in the areas of literacy and Concept- Based Curriculum design.

Brunsting, John R.

John R. Brunsting

John Brunsting is a mathematics teacher, a staff development specialist, and an author. John serves schools as a teacher and coach as well as a mathematics consultant on practical, style-based tools and strategies. He is a coordinator for Illinois Advanced Placement Institutes and cofounder of Mathematics & Technology Institutes, teacher training organizations committed to the instructional excellence of teachers.

Pam L. Warrick

Pam L. Warrick is a professor in teacher education, an international and national speaker in mathematics education (NCTM, NCSM , SITE and T3). Pam has elementary, middle school, and high school teaching experience in Texas, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and with the U.S. Department of Defense in Europe.

Walsh, Terry

Terry Walsh

Terry Walsh has been a mathematics trainer and consultant for nearly 20 years. After retiring from math and administrative positions in two suburban Chicago high schools, In addition to developing Thoughtful Classroom strategies, Terry was one of the founding editor’s of the EightySomething! graphing calculator newsletter. He not only used the strategies in this book in his own classes, he has worked with teachers across the country to help them do the same.

Hall, Susan L.

Susan L. Hall

Susan L. Hall is founder and president of the 95 Percent Group Inc., which focuses on early childhood reading education and small-group intervention to give 95% of kindergarten through third grade students the opportunity to read at or above their grade level. A frequent speaker and lecturer, she also serves on the advisory board of the Neuhaus Education Center.
