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4438 Results Found


Whigham, William T.

William T. Whigham

William Whigham has been a teacher for over 30 years in both middle and high schools, during which time he has served as an Interim Assistant Principal, Co-Chairman of the District Curriculum Committee, Grants Manager, Director of Physical Education and Athletics, Adjunct Instructor for Student Teachers at Springfield College, Adjunct Instructor at Fitchburg State College, and Standards-Based Consultant.

Dardenne, Patrice L.

Patrice L. Dardenne

Patrice Dardenne has been involved in education for over 30 years during which time he has served as Assistant Superintendent for Accountability (responsible for the development, implementation, and operation of the school system’s assessment systems, data management systems, NCLB grant program, curriculum and technology initiatives), Interim Superintendent, Assistant to the Superintendent for Management Services (including professional development programs for the staff), Adjunct Instructor at

Grant, Maria C.

Maria Cassandra Grant

Maria C. Grant, EdD, is a professor in the Department of Secondary Education at California State University Fullerton and the director of the Single Subject Credential Program at CSUF. She works with both pre-service and in-service teachers in the credential program and at school sites.

Michele Flasch Ziegler

Michele Flasch Ziegler has 19 years of experience in teaching, administration, and teacher training. Her teaching experiences included working as a high school classroom teacher for students with intellectual disabilities and as a transition teacher for the Madison, Wisconsin Metropolitan School District. She also assisted in coordinating services and offering technical support to teachers working in the K-12 intellectual disabilities program in Indianapolis Public Schools.

Barczyk, Lisa A.

Lisa A. Barczyk

Lisa Barczyk is a physical therapist with 22 years of professional experience in school-based pediatric practice. After graduating from Marquette University, she took a position with Milwaukee Public Schools as a staff physical therapist, and for the past 12 years has served as the supervisor of occupational and physical therapy.

Suzanne Rudolph

Suzanne Rudolph is a licensed clinical psychologist, certified personal and professional life coach, and Clinical Member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. She has assisted others with making important changes in their lives for the past 16 years and has a private practice in northern Colorado.

Dorothy J. O'Shea

Dorothy J. (Doris) O’Shea, Ph.D., currently with the Chester County Intermediate Unit, Downingtown, Pennsylvania, taught Special Education courses at the tertiary level for more than 25 years, after receiving her doctorate in Special Education from the Pennsylvania State University in 1983. Additionally, she worked as a Special Education classroom teacher and school administrator for more than 11 years. During her 36-year career, Dr.

Grover C. Young

Grover C. Young is an experienced teacher, school administrator, and coordinator of gifted programming and staff development. He has worked with schools and businesses in the areas of creative productive thinking, talent identification and development, and performance-based learning and assessment. Young has also been actively involved in research and writing on the characteristics of creativity and on talent development among youth orchestra members.

Carole A. Nassab

Carole A. Nassab is an associate of the Center for Creative Learning in Sarasota, Florida. She has been a middle school teacher, guidance counselor, principal, pupil personnel director, adjunct professor, and school board member and has authored or coauthored several publications for school and community use, including Thinking Tools Lessons, Thinking With Standards, The CPS Kit, and Enhancing and Expanding Gifted Programs: The Levels of Service Approach.

Edwin C. Selby

Edwin C. Selby serves as an associate and a member of the board of directors of the Center for Creative Learning in Sarasota, Florida, and as an adjunct professor with Fordham University’s graduate school of education. Previously, Selby served for many years as a public school music and drama teacher and as a board of education member and officer.

Carol V. Wittig

Carol V. Wittig, an associate and a member of the board of directors of the Center for Creative Learning in Sarasota, Florida, is an experienced elementary classroom teacher and gifted programming specialist in public elementary and middle schools.

Breakstone, Steve

Steve Breakstone

Steve Breakstone, co-founder of Balance Educational Services, LLC, is a specialist in student discipline, bullying and violence prevention, behavior management and effective communication styles. During his dynamic workshops, he uses his theatrical experience to role-play serious realities such as being bullied, being the subject of rumors or being shunned by cliques.
