Meg Roa

Meg Roa is a 30-year veteran educator with experience as a classroom teacher, literacy coach, and district administrator across all K-12 levels. She is currently a professional learning and development K-12 specialist for Volusia County Schools, Florida, the fourth largest district in the state with more than 70 schools. In this role, Meg has had the opportunity to lead and partner with teachers, school and district administrators, and leadership teams using collaborative structures such as lesson study and collaborative inquiry to support district and school improvement efforts. Meg has presented her work around the development and implementation of effective collaborative structures, using continuous improvement processes to set goals and measure for impact, and developing teacher leadership at state, national, and international conferences including Learning Forward Annual Conferences and the Carnegie Foundation Summit on Improvement in Education. Meg is a lifelong learner who is passionate about partnering with colleagues and supporting their goals in implementing proven and powerful practices that effect positive changes for all students.