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101 Results Found


Willie Adams

Willie Adams became a certified Corwin consultant in 2018, but his journey as an educator began at the age of ten when his teacher recognized his love for history and public speaking and encouraged him to create and lead a lesson for his peers.

Alber, Matthew

Matthew Alber

Matt Alber, is a two-time Grammy® Award-winning singer/songwriter, filmmaker, and youth educator. He previously served as an artist diplomat for the United States State Department in six countries, including Sudan, Russia, Hungary, and Kosovo, and was a member of America's premier classical vocal ensemble Chanticleer.

Allen-Rotell, Aida

Aida Allen-Rotell

Aida Allen-Rotell, MA, is currently a full-time professional learning consultant for Corwin and a teaching clinician. She was previously a bilingual teacher in an elementary school, where she taught grades K-6 for 15 years, as well as a high school special educator, academic coach, coordinator of services for multilingual learners, and administrator.

Almarode, John T.

John Taylor Almarode

Dr. John Almarode is a bestselling author and an Associate Professor of Education at James Madison University. He was awarded the inaugural Sarah Miller Luck Endowed Professorship in 2015 and received an Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia in 2021. Before his academic career, John started as a mathematics and science teacher in Augusta County, Virginia.

Amador, Olivia

Olivia Amador Valerio

Olivia Amador Valerio joined the Corwin professional learning team in 2018 with a wealth of knowledge and experiences as a leading learner.

Arriaga, Trudy Tuttle

Trudy T. Arriaga

Trudy T. Arriaga, EdD, has been privileged to serve as the first female superintendent of the Ventura Unified School District for 14 years. Her journey toward the role of superintendent included bilingual paraeducator, teacher, assistant principal, principal, and director. She is honored to publish her first Corwin book with her esteemed colleague, Dr.

Assof, Joseph

Joseph Michael Assof

Joseph Michael Assof is a high school and community college mathematics teacher and the math department chair at Health Sciences High and Middle College in San Diego, CA. He is also an educational consultant and presents internationally on a wide array of topics including teacher clarity, mathematics teaching and learning, visible learning, and more.

Aversa, Sonja Jeannie

Sonja Jeannie Aversa

Jeannie has been serving as an educator for 31 years, working for NYS in the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities, the Enlarged School District of Troy, and since 1996, in the Syracuse City School District.

Jean Barbanente

Barbanente is a practitioner consultant on Corwin’s Deep Equity team leading Deep Equity implementation in Illinois’s second most diverse high school district.

Barbee, Kierstan

Kierstan Barbee

Kierstan Barbee, EdD, is a full-time consultant with Corwin. She most recently served as a project manager of assessment for learning in Dallas Independent School District, which involved creating system-wide professional learning programming for central staff and campuses that promoted the spread of research-based practices.
