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Building Resiliency Virtual Consulting



Taking a whole-school approach based on a trauma-informed model allows for the holistic needs of all students and staff to be addressed as a community. These virtual consulting sessions will provide school leadership teams with a clear vision for leading their staff in the implementation of a trauma-informed system of support that collectively fosters resilience and success for students and staff.


Support for Pandemic Teaching and Leading

Building Resilience Virtual Leadership Series

After securing physical health and safety within our schools, our second most urgent need this fall will be supporting the social-emotional well-being of educators, students, and families.

This leadership development series provides educators with guiding principles and strategies that can be integrated into your school’s plan for reopening. Invite a consultant to support your leaders in implementing effective systems (teams and teamwork) that build teachers’ self and collective efficacy to address the behavioral and social-emotional needs of their students, in ways that are trauma-informed and culturally responsive.

School and district leaders will focus on:

  • Implementing schoolwide practices to foster educator self-care and resilience
  • Fostering teacher-student relationships that support resilience
  • Embedding social-emotional learning in daily instruction in ways that are trauma-informed and culturally responsive
  • Providing multi-tiered supports to students and families


Supporting Resilience during Shelter in Place

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted schools across the nation and contributed to a general sense of uncertainty and anxiety. As we shelter in place, school is no longer the source of stability and connection that many of our students rely upon. During this time, educators play a critical role in supporting the social-emotional well-being of their students. However, that responsibility carries with it considerable stress and emotional labor. In this virtual PD series, we will explore important topics and tools to support ourselves, our colleagues, and our students.

  • Leadership resilience: This session is designed for school and district leadership and counselors faced with the challenge of supporting educators who are supporting students.
  • Paraeducator resilience: In this virtual workshop, we pay specific attention on the roles the paraprofessional play in our schools and how they engage with students.
  • Educator Resilience: In this virtual PD session, we will explore ways to care for our well-being as we support others through this challenging time. Participants will learn strategies for self-care, bitesize resilience, and building supportive virtual communities for educators.
  • Student Resilience: Learn ways to help students cope with the changes that have resulted from COVID-19. Participants will learn and share strategies to support students' social-emotional well-being during this challenging time.


Preparing for the Return to School

In this virtual PD series, we will discuss ways to help students cope with the changes that have resulted from COVID-19 as they return to school. Focus will be placed on “planning with the end in mind.” The consultants will discuss the social and emotional needs of the leaders, teachers, students, and families. Participants will learn and share strategies to support students' social-emotional well-being during this challenging time.



Foundation Series 1: Introduction to Building Resilience 

Introduction to Building Resilience (2 Hours)


In this webinar, we will explore the prevalence and impact of ACEs and trauma on brain development, learning, behavior, and social-emotional development. Participants will develop a common language and understanding that will allow them to effectively teach and lead. They will deepen their understanding of the protective factors that foster resilience and success for educators and their students. Participants will also complete a school self-assessment to determine their readiness and next steps for building a resilient school.

Put Your Oxygen Mask on First: Educator Self-Care & Resilience (2 Hours)

In 2017, the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and The New Teacher Center surveyed over 7,000 teachers about their emotional well-being. The most common emotions reported by teachers were frustrated, overwhelmed, and stressed (Bracket et al 2018).  Research is beginning to uncover the impact of chronic stress and compassion fatigue on educators’ effectiveness. Our field is starting to recognize the importance of caring for ourselves as we care for others. This webinar delves into the importance of social-emotional health for educators. Participants will develop tools to support the well-being and resilience of themselves and their colleagues. 


Behavior as a Form of Communication (2 Hours)

In this webinar, we will explore student behavior as a form of communication and develop strategies to support the behavioral and social-emotional needs of all students. Participants will deepen their understanding of relationship-based teaching and acquire skills to foster safety, trust, and belonging in their classrooms and schools. They will be introduced to strategies that support students’ abilities to communicate, problem-solve, regulate, and develop a sense of accountability and hope.


Trauma-Informed Social-Emotional Learning (2 Hours)

Social-emotional learning is a critical component of quality core instruction. To truly have an impact, social-emotional competencies must be integrated into daily classroom routines and management. Students’ social-emotional outcomes improve when they see healthy behaviors regularly modeled, practiced, and reinforced. In this webinar, participants will develop a plan for integrating social-emotional learning competencies into their curriculum and instruction.


Foundation Series 2: Implementing Practices Within a Multitiered System


Teaching in the Eye of the Storm: Educator Self-Regulation (2 Hours)

When faced with challenging student behaviors, educators’ physical and social-emotional well-being can suffer. It is critical for educators to be equipped with tools for bitesize resilience and self-regulation. In this webinar, participants will be introduced to in-the-moment strategies to use to remain calm during, and recover from, students’ behavioral escalations. Participants will also develop insight into ways that their level of escalation can impact student behavior both positively and negatively. Finally, participants will learn about school-wide practices that can be implemented in their school to support educator resilience.

Equity and Trauma-Informed Practices (2 Hours)

We are not trauma-informed unless we are socially just. Trauma is prevalent across race, class, gender, region (urban, suburban, rural), etc. However, there are several factors that impact how trauma is responded to and the availability of help. In this webinar, we will explore trauma through an equity lens. Participants will learn about historical and cumulative trauma and the ways that they impact students of marginalized communities and identities. We will explore culturally responsive teaching practices that foster resilience by affirming students in their cultures and identities.



Trauma-Informed Restorative Practices (2 Hours)

Trauma-informed schools respond to conflict in ways that build trust and accountability. In this webinar, participants will be introduced to the fundamental principles of Restorative Practices. Participants will be introduced to Tier 1 community building circles for both staff and students. Then we will explore the core principles of Restorative Practices and some useful tools to engage in restorative dialogue and problem-solving. Participants will consider next steps for integrating these principles and practices into their classrooms and schools. 

Trauma-Informed Tier 3 (2 Hours)

This session begins with a mock tier 3 meeting using a case study. Participants will learn to create trauma-informed intervention plans for students who require intensive social-emotional and behavioral supports. The session concludes with a conversation on how to support staff and students when they return to school after a crisis has impacted their family and/or community.


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