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296 Results Found for "Professional Learning"


School Safety, Student Discipline, & Bullying Prevention

What do you do when kids act out? How do you manage bullying? How does your school ensure a safe environment for all? These professional development resources are filled with useful tools to help all stakeholders—from principals to teachers and everyone in between—navigate discipline issues, classroom management, and behavior challenges while helping students achieve success.


What is the price of the two-day Institute on July 11-12, 2016?

General: $749 per person
Groups of 3 or more: $699 per person (must register all at once in order to receive the group discount)

Pre-Sessions on July 10th: $199 per person, Early bird rate $150 (if registered by January 31, 2016)
Visible Learning Literacy Institute on July 13th: $425 per person

Conference Overview

The National Summit for Courageous Conversation (NSCC) brings together dedicated leaders for racial equity from around the nation and across the globe to engage in a deepened conversation about systemic racism and its impact on opportunity and achievement in schools, colleges, business, government and community. The NSCC provides a unique space for collaborative exploration of the knowledge and skills needed to eliminate racial disparities in performance and experience.

Collective Equity

The Collective Equity Framework

The Collective Equity framework is built with practical strategies and tools to catalyze educators around the work of repairing the damage that has been caused by inequitable systems across generations and to create conditions in which all members of the community can thrive. The framework is built upon shared accountability where truths are identified, explored, and reckoned with and where individual cultural experiences are valued.

Do's & Don'ts: Trauma-Informed Practice


Learn About Trauma-Informed Practice: 

Every student has a unique way of expressing themselves. Grow your understanding by taking a proactive approach to Trauma-Informed Practice. Used to help guide educators in social-emotional and behavioral support, these Do’s and Don’ts are one of many useful resources available through our Social Emotional professional learning services. 

The Practice Series

Visible Learning Practice Series

Visible Learning+ Practice Series

What works best and when—for literacy and mathematics


What is the price of the Institute?

General Price: $475 per person
Group Price: $425 per person for group of 4 or more

Please note that if we have not received a valid form of payment by June 12th, your registration will be cancelled and you will not be allowed to attend the event
