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4438 Results Found


Scearce, Carol

Carol Scearce

Carol Scearce is president of Enlightening Enterprises and a professional educational consultant who has taught K–12 general education and special education classes, served as director of staff development for a large school district, and also taught at the university level. Scearce has received the Outstanding Special Educator of the Year award and has been nominated for Who's Who In Education and Who's Who In Staff Development.

Merideth, Eunice M.

Eunice M. Merideth

Eunice M. Merideth is a Levitt Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean of the Drake University School of Education. She has designed and taught leadership courses and has been working with classroom teachers on leadership issues for over ten years. Merideth is a University Technology Fellow for Drake University, supporting Web-assisted and Web-based instruction at Drake University.

Terence Parry

Terence Parry has taught at the elementary, secondary, and university levels, and he is now a full-time staff developer and educational consultant in Waterloo, Ontario. Terry has received international recognition for his lively and engaging workshops, which offer a wealth of practical experience to help teachers cope with the overwhelming number of changes that bombard schools on a daily basis.  

Jodi Peine

Jodi Peine is recently retired after 33 years in education. The last 13 years of her career were spent as a principal and Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Community Unit School District 702 in Tremont, Illinois.

Pitton, Debra Eckerman

Debra Eckerman Pitton

Debra Eckerman Pitton is an Associate Professor of Education at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN, where she teaches middle school and secondary methods courses, and supervises student teachers. In addition, she conducts mentor training workshops for school districts across the country, and regularly presents at conferences. She has taught language arts at the middle school and high school levels, and interpersonal and group communication at the community college level.

Cooke, Gwendolyn J.

Gwendolyn J. Cooke

For over 36 years, Gwendolyn J. Cooke has served learners by delivering high quality education in schools and universities.

Laura Lipton

Laura Lipton is codirector of MiraVia, LLC, a publishing and development firm in Sherman, CT. Lipton is an international consultant whose writing, research, and seminars focus on effective and innovative instructional practices and building professional and organizational capacities for enhanced learning.

Hubble, Deborah S.

Deborah S. Hubble

Deborah Hubble is an elementary school literacy coach in the Katy Independent School District, Houston. She also serves as a writer of monthly research abstracts for Effective Schools, a nationally acclaimed school reform organization.
