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4438 Results Found


Milstein, Mike M.

Mike M. Milstein

Mike M. Milstein is a partner in The Resiliency Group, Ltd., and Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership at the University of New Mexico. His professional career also includes being Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Buffalo and a classroom teacher. His teaching, research, and writing interests are in the areas of resiliency and organiza­tional change and development.

Brewer, Ernest W.

Ernest W. Brewer

Ernest W. Brewer is Professor and Principal Investigator/Director in the Department of Human Resource Development and Department Head of Child and Family Studies at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville (UTK). He is currently servinig as the Principal Investigator/Project Director of six federally funded grants.

Achilles, Charles M.

Charles M. Achilles

Charles M. Achilles is Professor of Educational Leadership, College of Education, Eastern Michigan University (EMU). He received his doctorate in Educational Administration from the University of Rochester and worked briefly at the (former) U.S. Office of Education, for 21 years at the Bureau of Educational Research and Service, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, for 6 years at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro; and since 1994 at EMU. 

Jay R. Fuhriman

Jay R. Fuhriman is Professor of Bilingual Education and English as a Second Language at Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. He currently directs two undergraduate and one graduate program in bilingual education/ESL. He earned his doctorate degree from Texas A&M University (formerly Texas A&I) in Kingsville, TX, in Curriculum and Instruction and worked as a consultant and teacher prior to joining the teaching staff in 1977.  

Sagor, Richard D.

Richard D. Sagor

Richard Sagor recently retired from his position as professor and director of the Educational Leadership Program at Lewis & Clark College.
