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Gojak, Linda M.

Linda M. Gojak

Winner of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching, Linda M. Gojak directed the Center for Mathematics and Science Education, Teaching, and Technology (CMSETT) at John Carroll University for 16 years.

Jenkins, Lyle Lee

Lyle L. Jenkins

Lyle Lee Jenkins is a full-time author, consultant and speaker with his Scottsdale, Arizona firm, From LtoJ Consulting Group, Inc.  His earlier career was in the public schools of California as a district superintendent, assistant superintendent, principal, math coordinator and teacher. In addition he was a professor/administrator for Oregon State University for five years.

Ferrito, Joseph J.

Joseph J. Ferrito

Joseph J. Ferrito recently earned his doctoral degree from the Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology at Rutgers University. He is a native of Monroe Township, New Jersey and a graduate of Marist College where he majored in psychology. Clinically, J.J. trained and worked across levels of care ranging from public schools and in-home services, to residential and inpatient treatment facilities.

Moceri, Dominic C.

Dominic C. Moceri

Dominic C. Moceri graduated with his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. While at Rutgers, Dominic's research focused on quantifying the dissemination, implementation, sustainability, and scalability of evidence-based practices in schools and other settings. Dominic was co-principal investigator of the initial SEL Report Card Indicator studies, the foundation for this book.

Hellerstein, Julie A.

Julie A. Hellerstein Smigel

Julie Hellerstein is the Director of Student Services for The Quaglia Institute for Student Aspirations (QISA). She plans and executes “Student Q-Team” workshops to increase student voice and aspirations at QISA’s demonstration site schools. Julie has hosted innovative student leadership conferences in Ohio, Idaho, and South Carolina.

Fleming, Laura

Laura Fleming

Laura Fleming has been an educator in the state of New Jersey for 17 years. She has been both a classroom teacher and media specialist in grades K-8 and currently as a Library Media Specialist for grades 9-12. Laura is a strong advocate of using New Media and Vanguard Techniques for Interactive and Transmedia (multi-platform) Storytelling. She has

Gliksman, Sam

Sam Gliksman

Sam Gliksman has been leading innovative technology applications in private industry and education for over 25 years. Recognized as a prominent expert in educational technology and reform, he currently works as an independent educational technology consultant, speaker and author.

Krownapple, John J.

John Joseph Krownapple

John Krownapple specializes in facilitating professional learning and organizational development focused on social justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. Since 2007 he has led the development and implementation of one of the first and most comprehensive Cultural Proficiency programs in the United States.

Scott, Kathy Lynn

Kathy Lynn Gandhi (aka Scott & James)

Kathy Lynn Scott, PhD, is the Center Administrative Analyst for the Center for Teaching and Learning at California State University, Northridge. Kathy was trained as an old school darkroom photographer, but she fell in love with all things to do with education.
