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Blevins, Wiley

Wiley W. Blevins

Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., studied at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and Bowling Green State University. He is an author, educational consultant, and researcher, and has taught both in the United States and South America. Wiley has written over 17 books for teachers, including A Fresh Look at Phonics, Phonics From A to Z, Differentiating Phonics Instruction for Maximum Impact, and Choosing and Using Decodable Texts.

Stafford, Dedra A.

Dedra A. Stafford

Dedra Stafford is a dedicated consultant and a proud member of the Association of Middle Level Education and National Association of Secondary School Principals Speakers Cadres.

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Tracey K. Shiel

Tracey Shiel has been in the field of education for over 25 years in several education positions including teacher, principal, school business administrator, assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, and interim superintendent.

Eckert, Jonathan

Jonathan Marc Eckert

Jonathan Eckert was a public school teacher outside of Chicago and Nashville for 12 years. He earned his doctorate in education at Vanderbilt University and served as a U.S. Department of Education Teaching Ambassador Fellow in both the Bush and Obama administrations. Currently, he is the Lynda and Robert Copple Chair and Professor of Educational Leadership at Baylor University, where he supports leaders through the Center for School Leadership.

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Burns, Monica

Monica Burns

Dr. Monica Burns is a Curriculum and EdTech Consultant, Apple Distinguished Educator and Founder of As a classroom teacher, Monica used one-to-one technology to create engaging, standards-based lessons for students. Monica has presented to teachers, administrators and tech enthusiasts at numerous national and international conferences including SXSWedu, ISTE, and EduTECH.

Horacio Sanchez

Horacio Sanchez, a national speaker and author, is an educational consultant to many organizations focused on improving formal education. He is recognized as one of the nation’s leading authorities on resiliency and applied neuroscience. His expertise helps schools overcome the impact of poverty, improve school climate, engage in brain-based instruction, and address issues related to implicit bias.

Williams, Lois A.

Lois A. Williams

After teaching mathematics in grades K-8 for 20 years, Lois served as the middle school mathematics specialist for the Virginia Department of Education. Here she worked on curriculum and teacher professional learning. She served the Virginia Council of Teachers of Mathematics and was a board member for the local Jefferson Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
