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4439 Results Found


Rafferty, Michael J.

Michael J. Rafferty

Mike Rafferty is the Director of Teaching and Learning in Region 14 Schools in Connecticut. He has worked as a classroom teacher, a Reading Recovery teacher, a reading consultant, and a curriculum leader for language arts.

morello, Colleen A.

Colleen A. Morello

Colleen Morello is the Language Arts Specialist for the Fairfield Public Schools in Fairfield, Ct. She coaches elementary teachers, works with struggling readers and writers both in and out of the classroom, provides district-wide professional development to staff, as well as develops and presents various workshops to the parent community.

Rountos, Paraskevi

Paraskevi Rountos

Paraskevi Rountos has been a Language Arts Specialist in Fairfield, CT for eight years. She has coached and modeled lessons for teachers of Grades Kindergarten through 5th Grade.  She has also worked with students requiring reading intervention.

Bailey, Simon T.

Simon T. Bailey

Simon T. Bailey teaches influencers how to improve themselves and change the world. As an executive advisor, career mentor, and keynote speaker, he doesn’t take people where they want to go; he guides them by providing strategic steps to where they need to go. He inspires through relevant stories and thought-provoking, evidence-based research, breaking through the motivational paradigm that causes individuals to stretch and produce results.

On-site Professional Development

Evaluate Teachers Fairly and Accurately with Corwin’s Teacher Evaluation Academy by W. James Popham

Based on the work of W. James Popham, certified consultants show you how to:

  • Pinpoint the strengths and weakness of your existing program
  • Align your evaluation system with federal and state mandates
  • Design a defensible teacher evaluation program from scratch

Learn More

McGee, Patty

Patricia Grawehr McGee

Patty McGee is a Literacy Consultant whose passion and vision is to create learning environments where teachers and students discover their true potential and power.  Patty’s favorite moments are when groups of teachers are working with students collaboratively in the classroom.  She does her best literacy research by practicing o

Williams, Charlene Denise Verreen

Charlene Williams

Charlene Williams currently supervises school leaders in her role as Senior Director of School Performance in Portland Public Schools in Portland, OR.  Additionally, she leads the collaboration between teacher’s union and district leadership on effective teacher evaluation practices in addition to coordinating System’s Thinking training for staff across the district.

Adam, Eleanor

Eleanor Adam

Eleanor Adam consults internationally in the areas of leadership, change and learning and is a Senior Consultant for the Michael Fullan Enterprises Capacity Building team. She has worked with educators in a variety countries and states to improve and deepen learning for all students through excellence in classroom instruction and principal and district leadership.

Hannigan, John E.

John E. Hannigan

Dr. John Hannigan has served in education for over 20 years as a teacher, instructional coach, principal, and county office leadership coach.

Houser, Renee W.

Renee W. Houser

Renée Houser is a lifelong educator, literacy consultant, and co-author of the series What Do I Teach Readers Tomorrow? Her entire career has been dedicated to supporting students and teachers. She taught in New York City public schools, worked as a staff member at the Reading and Writing Project at Teachers College, and holds graduate degrees from Old Dominion University and Fordham University.
