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Ziegler, Bill

Bill Ziegler

Dr. Bill Ziegler is a high school principal in Pennsylvania. He was recently honored as the 2016 Pennsylvania Principal of the Year, the 2015 National Association of Secondary School Principals Digital Award Winner, and was selected to serve on the United States team of School Leaders to the Great Leaders Summit in China.  Dr.

Ramage, Dave

David E. Ramage

Dave Ramage, Ph.D. has been a public school educator for 29 years. He spent eleven years as a middle school music teacher in grades six through nine at Souderton Area SD in suburban Philadelphia, and then became the Coordinator of Technology Staff Development for the same district. Dave moved to middle school administration as an assistant principal and principal. He currently leads Pottsgrove Middle School.

Conference Overview

Teach Reading and Writing like the Masters!

The Corwin Literacy Institute, in partnership with QEP Books, is a two-day conference keynoted by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey on October 7 and by Gretchen Bernabei on October 8. The institute provides expert insight, proven techniques, classroom-tested strategies, and actionable take-aways on timely reading and writing challenges facing schools today.

Participants will learn how to:

Conference Overview

The National Summit for Courageous Conversation (NSCC) brings together dedicated leaders for racial equity from around the nation and across the globe to engage in a deepened conversation about systemic racism and its impact on opportunity and achievement in schools, colleges, business, government and community. The NSCC provides a unique space for collaborative exploration of the knowledge and skills needed to eliminate racial disparities in performance and experience.

Noonan, Patricia M.

Patricia M. Noonan

Pattie Noonan, Ph.D. is an associate research professor at the University of Kansas where she centers her work on providing and evaluating professional development related to improving education for all students. She holds a firm belief in the capacity of students with and without disabilities to achieve positive post-school outcomes through college and career readiness.

Erickson, Amy S. Gaumer

Amy S. Gaumer Erickson

Amy S. Gaumer Erickson, Ph.D. is an associate research professor at the University of Kansas. Her work focuses on the implementation of evidence-based instructional practices, within a Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS), that empower students with and without disabilities to become socially and emotionally engaged, career-equipped, lifelong learners. Through her collaboration with state departments of education, Dr.

Nottingham, James A.

James Andrew Nottingham

James Nottingham is co-founder and director of Challenging Learning, a group of companies with 30 employees in 6 countries. His passion is in transforming the most up-to-date research into strategies that really work in the classroom. He is regarded by many as one of the most engaging, thought-provoking and inspirational speakers in education. 

Jennifer Knudsen

Jennifer Knudsen has been working in mathematics education since her days as a Peace Corps volunteer in Kenya and as a teacher in in New York City Public Schools. She has focused on students’ engagement in mathematics as an equity issue throughout her career, including work on numerous curriculum and professional development projects.

Stevens, Harriette

Harriette Stevens

Harriette S. Stevens attended the University of Kansas where she received her Bachelor of Arts in Applied Mathematics and Master of Arts in Education, with a concentration in Mathematics. She received her Doctorate in Education, with a focus on curriculum and instructional design, from the University of San Francisco.

Lara-Meloy, Teresa

Teresa Lara-Meloy

Teresa Lara-Meloy is passionate about finding better ways of teaching middle school math and improving ways to support teachers. As Math Ed Researcher at SRI International, she designs technology-integrated curricular and professional development materials. She received her M.Ed. from Harvard's Graduate School of Education. She is a member of the NCSM and TODOS.
