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Anne Turnbaugh Lockwood

Anne Turnbaugh Lockwood, is Senior Program Advisor in the Office of Planning and Service Coordination at the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory in Portland, Oregon.

Koenig, Larry J.

Larry J. Koenig

Larry Koenig is a nationally known expert on school discipline. He has worked extensively with children and adolescents in classrooms, youth development centers, and hospitals. A humorous public speaker, Dr. Koenig has the unique ability to talk about exactly what is going on in today’s classrooms and to give both meaningful and practical advice. Dr. Koenig is the creator of the Smart Discipline System.

Posamentier, Alfred S.

Alfred Steven Posamentier

Alfred S. Posamentier is professor of mathematics education and dean of the School of Education at the City College of the City University of New York. He has authored and co-authored several resource books in mathematics education for Corwin Press.
