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Hendrickson, Justin

Justin B. Hendrickson

Justin Hendrickson is a longtime Seattle resident who is currently serving as a PreK-8th grade public school principal. The zip code where his school is located is described as the city’s most ethnically diverse. Ninety percent are students of color. Sixty-five percent participate in the free or reduced lunch program and 21% are English Language Learners.

Corrigan, Oscar

Oscar Corrigan

Oscar Corrigan is currently an administrator and director of English Language Learner program at Health Sciences High and Middle College (HSHMC) in San Diego, California. He has experience teaching middle school social studies, high school history, supervising teacher candidates, and implementing restorative practices.

Bauer, Daniel

Daniel Bauer

Daniel Bauer is the Chief Ruckus Maker at Better Lead­ers Better Schools (BLBS). He launched his BLBS podcast in September 2015. With over one million downloads, the BLBS show is the most influential pod­cast available for educational leaders. In 2016, he changed how professional development is offered to school leaders through the structure of a mastermind.

Gogolewski, Kathe

Kathe Ann Gogolewski

Kathe Gogolewski, MAed, taught science as well as first, third, and fourth grades in Bay Area elementary schools, serving culturally rich and racially diverse students from all backgrounds. During her tenure, she worked as both a master and mentor teacher, working with new teachers and new teacher candidates in both classroom management and curriculum.

Matthews, Lou E

Lou E. Matthews

Dr. Lou Edward Mathews is a global mathematics creative and founder of InspireMath committed to building inspiring, sustainable mathematics platforms and culturally relevant education experiences in communities around the world. As Director of Mathematics and Science at Urban Teachers, a national teacher residency program with Johns Hopkins University, Dr.

Jones, Shelly M.

Shelly M. Jones

Dr. Shelly M. Jones is a Professor of Mathematics Education at Central Connecticut State University. She teaches undergraduate mathematics content and methods courses for pre-service teachers as well as graduate level mathematics content, curriculum and STEM courses for in-service teachers. Before joining the CCSU faculty, Dr.

Parker, Yolanda A.

Yolanda A. Parker

Dr. Yolanda A. Parker has been an educator for over 25 years and has been full-time faculty at Tarrant County College-South Campus for over 10 years in the Mathematics Department where she primarily teaches Statistics and Math for Teachers courses. She has a B.S. in Applied Math from Texas A&M University in College Station, TX; M.A. in Liberal Studies from Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH; and Ph.D.
