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4439 Results Found


Marshall, James

James Marshall

James Marshall’s lifelong work lies at the intersection of people and the organizations in which they work—and optimizing the synergy that fertile convergence holds. His scholarship, teaching, and consulting combine our understanding of human performance and organization development to assess strengths, devise strategy, and improve even the most vexing of challenges.

Kaufman, Trynia

Trynia Kaufman

Trynia Kaufman is an author, speaker, and instructional designer who specializes in brain-based learning strategies, trauma-informed teaching, and disability inclusion. In her current role, she works with Cornell University to create and facilitate professional development for the New York State Education Department, Office of Special Education.

Gregoire-Smith, Meghan

Meghan Gregoire-Smith

Meghan Gregoire-Smith, MA, is a multilingual learner (ML) coach at SupportEd. In this role, Ms. Gregoire-Smith coaches ML educators and develops and facilitates interactive professional development for teachers of MLs. Ms. Gregoire-Smith began her career teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) to young adults in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Her time in Ecuador sparked her love of language teaching.

Leslie Bross

Leslie Bross is an Assistant Professor of Special Education in the Department of Special Education and Child Development at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Charlotte. She serves as the director of the Graduate Certificate in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) program at UNC Charlotte. Leslie earned her doctoral degree from the University of Kansas in 2019 with an emphasis in evidence-based practices and ASD.

Hansen, C. Bobbi

C. Bobbi Hansen

Dr. C. Bobbi Hansen is an associate professor at the University of San Diego, where she was twice awarded university honors in teaching, scholarship, and service. Additionally, in 2017, she was named, San Diego Science Educator of the Year, for excellence in university science teaching. Dr.

Pompei, Vincent

Vincent Pompei

Vincent Pompei, Ed.D., is an education consultant who specializes in promoting equitable school practices and inclusive environments for LGBTQ and gender-expansive students. He currently works as an assistant professor in the doctoral program for Educational Leadership at San Diego State University.

Cohen, Justin

Justin Cohen

Justin Cohen (he/him/his) is a writer, organizer, activist, and dad. His work explores how education, race, privilege, and public policy intersect. He cofounded Wayfinder Foundation and Neighbors Reimagining Public Safety. He is on the board of Friends of Abolitionist Place, helping to create a heritage center in downtown Brooklyn, committed to preserving radical liberation traditions.

Wiliam, Dylan

Dylan Wiliam

Dr. Dylan Wiliam is emeritus professor of educational assessment at the UCL Institute of Education. He started his career teaching in urban London schools before transitioning to educational research. He was dean of the School of Education at King’s College London, senior research director at the Educational Testing Service in Princeton, US, and deputy director of the Institute of Education, University of London.

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