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32 Results Found for "student assessment"


Building Behavior: How to Select and Implement Behavior Initiatives

Monday, October 21, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan & John E. Hannigan

Join Jessica and John Hannigan as they make the connections between Visible Learning and the most popular behavior initiatives implemented across the globe: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Character Education, Restorative Justice (RJ), Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), Trauma Informed Practices (TIPs), and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). This webinar will describe for school and district personnel how to “build” behavior initiative(s) best suited for their institution using evidence-based best practices aligned to Hattie’s identified influences on student achievement.

Visible Learning for Social Studies: Designing Student Learning for Conceptual Understanding

Monday, April 20, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Julie Stern

How do we maximize precious time to ensure that students grasp enough to prepare them for informed civic life? The discipline of social studies is far more than memorizing dates and facts. It involves the skillful ability to conduct investigations, analyze sources, place events in historical and cultural context, and synthesize various points of view, while recognizing our own biases. Join Julie Stern in this webinar to understand how using the right approach at the right time can maximize student learning.

A Joint Panel Discussion with Corwin Authors and NWEA Researchers: Leading Instruction and Assessment from a Distance

Wednesday, October 28, 2020 - 12:00pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, Chase Nordengren, and Dominique Smith

Corwin and NWEA are proud to present a special panel discussion with Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, John Hattie, and Chase Nordengren on the school leader’s role in leading instruction and assessment in distance learning. Join moderator Dominique Smith as we discuss how schools can use specific instructional strategies and assessment tools to meet the needs of students and teachers both in the classroom and as part of the remote learning environment to help close learning gaps, restore greater equity, and get all kids back on track towards reaching their highest growth potential.

The Opportunity of a Wrong Answer in K-8 Mathematics

Monday, April 9, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by John SanGiovanni

Do you take advantage of wrong answers? Do you consider what they tell you, why they happened, or what you might do next? In this webinar, John SanGiovanni addresses actions that teachers can take to mine the gaps in student understanding. It examines a process for selecting quality tasks, anticipating student thinking, determining evidence of understanding and misunderstanding, and identifying next steps. The webinar will feature mathematics tasks K-2, 3-5, and 6-8 grade bands.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012 - 3:30pm

Watch Joe Crawford's Archived Webinar

In this webinar, Joe Crawford shares his proven process for building a viable local curriculum based on the CCSS. He provides participants with helpful tools for mapping CCSS to curriculum, instruction, and assessment and ways to facilitate learning in all students.

Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners' Success

Monday, November 11, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Margarita Espino Calderon, Maria G. Dove, Diane Staehr Fenner, Margo Gottlieb, Andrea Honigsfeld, Tonya Ward Singer, Shawn Slakk, Ivannia Soto, and Debbie Zacarian

Anyone invested in the future of our English learners—and we hope that’s all of you!--you won’t want to miss this. Join this once-of-a-lifetime collaboration of the field’s top practitioners as they discuss nine essential shifts for delivering on the promise of our English learners. To shift the status quo is neither fast nor easy, but there is a clear process, and it’s laid out here in this webinar. To distill it into a single line would go something like this: if we can assume mutual ownership, if we can connect instruction to all children’s personal, social, cultural, and linguistic identities, then all students will achieve.

CLARITY: What Matters Most in Learning, Teaching, and Leading

Monday, December 9, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Lyn Sharratt

Bringing Clarity to the elements that sharpen precision-in-practice ensures knowing “where to next.” Gaining Clarity is dependent on a set of interrelated concepts deployed within an evidence-proven framework and implemented consistently and reflectively across all systems, schools, and classrooms. Join Lyn Sharratt in this three-part webinar, in which she describes how Clarity can be realized in 1. Learning, 2. Teaching, and 3. Leading. Lyn promises no silver bullets; after all, there are none. The real power of data, she insists, resides in the “aha” outcomes of collaborative conversations with, and ‘roll-up-your sleeves’ work by ALL stakeholders, focused on students’ faces, as data today is instruction tomorrow.

EL Excellence Every Day: 6 Essentials to Raise EL Achievement

Monday, February 26, 2018 - 3:30pm

Presented by Tonya Ward Singer

Join Tonya Ward Singer, author of EL Excellence Every Day, to learn how every core teacher can effectively empower our ELs with academic literacy and language in the context of teaching to reach all students. Get inspired with specific actions you can take immediately to amplify your impact and ignite EL excellence in every classroom every day across every school.

Teaching Mathematics in the Visible Learning Classroom

Monday, April 22, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by John Almarode and Kateri Thunder

Learn the strategies that build conceptual understanding of mathematical ideas and problem solving to help students demonstrate more than a year's worth of growth for every year spent in school. John Almarode and Kateri Thunder’s webinar will help participants learn how. By using the right approach at the right time you can design classroom experiences that maximize mathematics learning.
