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188 Results Found


Visible Learning in Early Childhood

Monday, December 13, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Kateri Thunder, John Almarode, and John Hattie

Early childhood education is a place where we have the opportunity to start teaching and learning on the right path from the very beginning. How should we spend our precious time with these young learners? Our decisions as educators matter in early childhood

Hosted by EdWeek: Leadership for Racial Equity in Schools and Beyond

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 - 11:00am

Presented by Glenn Singleton and Melissa Krull

This webinar is hosted in partnership with EdWeek. While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to reveal systemic racial disparities in educational opportunity, there are revelations to which we can and must respond. Through conscientious efforts, using an intentional focus on race, school leaders can address these inequities and create the conditions for every student to achieve at high levels.

SEL for Multilingual Learners: Urgent Considerations and Tools to Use for Equity

Wednesday, November 3, 2021 - 1:00pm

Presented by Diane Staehr Fenner and Mindi Teich

Sponsored by Corwin
The statistics are sobering: now that lockdown is behind us, we can expect one out of three students to return to in-person learning showing signs of mental or emotional distress. For our multilingual learners (MLs), the numbers are even more staggering.

Success Criteria and Teacher Clarity (Part 1): Ensuring Equity of Access and Success for ALL Students —— 2-Part Webinar Series on Tues Nov 9 & Mon Nov 15 (1-3pm PT)

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 - 1:00pm

Presented by Doug Fisher, John Almarode, Kateri Thunder, and Olivia Amador Valerio

To capitalize on the potential impact of teacher clarity on student learning, we must develop and share high-quality success criteria that define what success looks like for each and every learner in our schools and classrooms. In this webinar series, we will move beyond just learning intentions and take a deep-dive into how best to support the development and implementation of high-quality success criteria. We’ll also explore how teacher clarity ensures teaching that is organized and intentional with transparent expectations.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 - 3:00pm

Presented by Glenn Singleton and Melissa Krull

This webinar is hosted in partnership with EdWeek. While the COVID-19 pandemic continues to reveal systemic racial disparities in educational opportunity, there are revelations to which we can and must respond. Through conscientious efforts, using an intentional focus on race, school leaders can address these inequities and create the conditions for every student to achieve at high levels.

Success Criteria and Teacher Clarity (Part 2): Ensuring Equity of Access and Success for ALL Students —— 2-Part Webinar Series on Tues Nov 9 & Mon Nov 15 (1-3pm PT)

Monday, November 15, 2021 - 1:00pm

Presented by Doug Fisher, John Almarode, Kateri Thunder, and Olivia Amador Valerio

To capitalize on the potential impact of teacher clarity on student learning, we must develop and share high-quality success criteria that define what success looks like for each and every learner in our schools and classrooms. In this webinar series, we will move beyond just learning intentions and take a deep-dive into how best to support the development and implementation of high-quality success criteria. We’ll also explore how teacher clarity ensures teaching that is organized and intentional with transparent expectations.

How to Grade for Learning After the Pandemic

Monday, November 29, 2021 - 3:30pm

Presented by Ken O'Connor

The basic principles of grading for learning didn't change because of the pandemic, but we learned some valuable lessons from pandemic schooling. This webinar with Ken O'Connor will focus on how to grade for learning through CALM grading and what pandemic schooling showed that we should continue, what we should stop, and what we should start.

Social Emotional Well-Being for Educators

Monday, January 24, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Michelle L. Trujillo

Adult social emotional learning (SEL) and self-care have been promoted as global priorities since the COVID pandemic disrupted the traditional educational system in the Spring of 2020. Yet, there has been no framework to guide educators in a quest to improve their own social emotional well-being. Until now.

Shake Up Literacy Learning with Multitasking Mentor Texts

Monday, January 31, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Pam Koutrakos and Maria Walther

Join authors Pam Koutrakos and Maria Walther as they share their passion for using children’s literature to create joyful, student-centered literacy experiences. Learn how to use books as your teaching partners to mentor inquisitive learners and lead them on the path toward independence.

Spirit Work and the Science of Collaboration

Monday, February 14, 2022 - 3:30pm

Presented by Michael Fullan and Mark Edwards

Based around the stories of 8 school districts, this webinar with Michael Fullan and Mark Edwards will share their insights about how deep caring for others linked to collaboration can achieve amazing results under complex conditions. Through powerful case studies and vignettes, the authors will discuss how spirit and collaboration represent revolutionary potential for education and pave the way to a brighter future.
