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Know Thy Impact

Thursday, September 19, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by John Hattie

Evidence lies at the heart of Visible Learning. In fact, one of the key starting points of Visible Learning involves school leaders having robust discussions about what impact means in their schools, which includes an understanding of where students are in their learning, what progress looks like, and how to determine next steps. Essentially, “knowing thy impact” means connecting what educators do with what happens to learners. In this webinar, Professor John Hattie will discuss why it's important to “know thy impact” and how to implement a cycle of inquiry, evaluation, and implementation into your school.

Data-Driven School Counseling in a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

Monday, October 7, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Trish Hatch

School counselors are charged with implementing a comprehensive, data-driven program to promote the development and achievement of ALL students. This means developing school counseling core curriculum, connecting with students and families, helping teachers manage classroom behaviors, analyzing data, sharing the results with stakeholders, and delivering responsive services and supports as needed to individual students. This webinar focuses on a multi-tiered school counseling system of supports and offers examples, step-by-step guidance, and plenty of tools so school counselors and those who support them don't have to do it alone!

Building Behavior: How to Select and Implement Behavior Initiatives

Monday, October 21, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Jessica Djabrayan Hannigan & John E. Hannigan

Join Jessica and John Hannigan as they make the connections between Visible Learning and the most popular behavior initiatives implemented across the globe: Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), Character Education, Restorative Justice (RJ), Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT), Trauma Informed Practices (TIPs), and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). This webinar will describe for school and district personnel how to “build” behavior initiative(s) best suited for their institution using evidence-based best practices aligned to Hattie’s identified influences on student achievement.

What's Deep About Deep Learning

Monday, October 28, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Joanne Quinn and Michael Fullan

The time for debate has passed. We need to transform learning now. In New Pedagogies for Deep Learning Joanne Quinn and Michael Fullan have discovered that when we transform learning, we also transform lives because deep learning is meaningful, gives purpose, and unleashes potential. The challenge is how to make this shift for all students. . . in all classrooms. . . in all schools. In this webinar, Quinn and Fullan explore this shift and introduce to participants the tools, tips, and strategies for realizing deep learning.

Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners' Success

Monday, November 11, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Margarita Espino Calderon, Maria G. Dove, Diane Staehr Fenner, Margo Gottlieb, Andrea Honigsfeld, Tonya Ward Singer, Shawn Slakk, Ivannia Soto, and Debbie Zacarian

Anyone invested in the future of our English learners—and we hope that’s all of you!--you won’t want to miss this. Join this once-of-a-lifetime collaboration of the field’s top practitioners as they discuss nine essential shifts for delivering on the promise of our English learners. To shift the status quo is neither fast nor easy, but there is a clear process, and it’s laid out here in this webinar. To distill it into a single line would go something like this: if we can assume mutual ownership, if we can connect instruction to all children’s personal, social, cultural, and linguistic identities, then all students will achieve.

Jumpstart Student Reasoning and Number Sense in Elementary Grades and Beyond

Monday, November 18, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by John SanGiovanni

Do your students struggle with number sense and reasoning? Are you looking to jumpstart your students’ engagement with activities that are uncomplicated, worthwhile, and doable? In this session led by John SanGiovanni, participants learn about dynamic, practical routines for developing number sense and fluency with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, ratio, and operations. A collection of ready-for-use resources will be provided as well as classroom clips that model how to use the resources.

CLARITY: What Matters Most in Learning, Teaching, and Leading

Monday, December 9, 2019 - 3:30pm

Presented by Lyn Sharratt

Bringing Clarity to the elements that sharpen precision-in-practice ensures knowing “where to next.” Gaining Clarity is dependent on a set of interrelated concepts deployed within an evidence-proven framework and implemented consistently and reflectively across all systems, schools, and classrooms. Join Lyn Sharratt in this three-part webinar, in which she describes how Clarity can be realized in 1. Learning, 2. Teaching, and 3. Leading. Lyn promises no silver bullets; after all, there are none. The real power of data, she insists, resides in the “aha” outcomes of collaborative conversations with, and ‘roll-up-your sleeves’ work by ALL stakeholders, focused on students’ faces, as data today is instruction tomorrow.

Maximizing Impact: The Power of Implementation

Monday, February 10, 2020 - 3:00pm

Presented by John Hattie

Once you know your impact, how do you maximize it? As the Visible Learning research states, there are a multitude of influences that make an impact on student achievement. But what accelerates learning most is focusing on the influences that maximize impact. In this webinar, Professor John Hattie will share how to use the DIIE (diagnosis, intervention, implementation, and evaluation) model to ensure teachers are building a variety of instructional approaches to maximize the skill, will, and thrill of learning.

Where Equity Fits In to PLC+

Monday, March 23, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey

Equity lies at the heart of what we strive to achieve in schools. But equity cannot be accomplished without action. Professional learning communities can be engines for action, but only if they are intentionally attuned to issues of equity. Join Doug Fisher and Nancy Frey in this webinar focused on the PLC+ structure’s cross-cutting value of equity, which marries concept with action to change the trajectory of student learning.

Beautiful Questions in the Classroom: Transforming Classrooms into Cultures of Curiosity and Inquiry

Monday, April 6, 2020 - 3:30pm

Presented by Warren Berger and Elise Foster

Why does engagement plummet as learners advance in school? Why does the stream of questions from curious toddlers slow to a trickle as they become teenagers? Most importantly, what can teachers and schools do to reverse this trend? Join Warren Berger and Elise Foster as they discuss how educators can transform their classrooms into cultures of curiosity.

New York 6:30pm EDT | London 11:30pm BST | Singapore 6:30am +1 SGT |  Melbourne 10am +1 AEDT
