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Design literacy instruction that keeps students engaged

Engagement, that game-changing but decidedly illusive quality, can make the difference between a lesson that leads to deep and meaningful learning and one that falls as flat as the bored faces of students.

Download this free Literacy Guide to explore the top strategies and tactics to drive student engagement during literacy instruction. This ebook includes three powerful articles from literacy experts. Inside, you'll find:

  • Insight about the importance of student voice in reading and writing instruction
  • Ways to cultivate three deliberative actions that fully engage learners in literacy
  • Tips about how to give students appropriate power of choice when it comes to writing


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Featured blog posts:

The Role of Assessment in Balanced Literacy

Gradual Release of Responsibility Within Your Balanced Literacy Groups

E.N.G.A.G.E.: Six Tips for Ramping-Up Your Read Aloud Experiences


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