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Success Stories


As of 2015, over 1,000 teachers and administrators from rural schools and more than 1,000 additional educators from Title III schools have been trained in ExC-ELL. That work continues today, including:

  • Professional development for new cohorts of content and EL teachers and administrators in more rural districts in central and northern Virginia
  • Whole-school interventions for middle and high school science teachers
  • Professional development for division coaches and EL specialists on how to observe, coach, and support teachers


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has made the bold move to require:

  • Their 40,000 educators to engage in professional development modeled after ExC-ELL’s twelve instructional features of for licensure renewal
  • Their administrators to take a course designed to help coach and support teachers of ELs, in which they learned how to observe Calderón’s instructional strategies and improve upon implementation
  • All educators to earn at least fifteen professional development points in ESL or sheltered English instruction every renewal cycle


Shelby County schools in Memphis, Tennessee, has selected eight schools to participate in ExC-ELL training. To date:

  • The first cohort of teachers along with their coaches and administrators have already participated in the Academies.
  • The Calderón and Associates team has observed and coached all teacher participants.
  • After six months, many teachers were ready to model strategies and share success stories with other teachers.
  • A week after the second cohort of teachers is trained, both teams will collaborate on lesson design.