The Ten-Minute Principal
Free Up Your Time to Focus on Leadership
- Evan Robb - Principal, Johnson-Williams Middle School; Berryville, VA
Administration & Leadership | Principal Mentoring, Induction & Coaching | Principalship
Rebuilding your day--How ten minutes can make the difference between ordinary and fantastic leadership
A principal’s enthusiastic vision is often thwarted by daily demands. There never seems time for carefully laid plans. But what if you made the most of ten-minute blocks scattered through your day? Could you make progress?
This book says Yes! and will help you improve, but not overwhelm yourself or staff. It will show you how to intentionally use ten-minute opportunities to consider, kickstart, and execute your vision. Based on six pillars of school leadership, vision, relationships, trust, efficacy, student-centeredness, and instructional knowledge each chapter will:
- Introduce a leadership topic
- Offer a ten minute opportunity to consider where you are and what you might change
- Give a ten minute tip on how to get started, as well as overcome challenges
- Provide ten minute collaborative opportunities to gain buy-in and participation
Discover how to build the foundations of effective leadership and be a school [helping teachers and students grow and improve] despite daily demands. Make the most of chunks of time to refine your craft and become a reflective and intentional leader.
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Podcast: Leading the Change from Within
In this podcast, part of the In Teacher's Shoes series by VoiceEd Radio, discover how Evan Robb, author of The Ten-Minute Principal, is a true leader in changing education through positive change and disruption of traditional practices and see how he truly "walks the talk" to enact real change.