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Passionate Leadership

Passionate Leadership
Creating a Culture of Success in Every School

First Edition
  • Salome Thomas-EL - Head of School, Thomas Edison Charter School
  • Joseph Jones - Superintendent, New Castle County Vocational Technical School District
  • T.J. Vari - Assistant Superintendent, Appoquinimink School District

Foreword by Todd Whitaker

June 2019 | 216 pages | Corwin

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Reignite your passion for serving children!

Have you fallen into a rut? Has your position become simply a “role” or a “job?” The authors of this book will remind you why education, the most important profession in our society, demands passionate leadership.

Passionate Leadership is an aspiring call to action for teachers and principals around the world to recommit to passionately serving children, building the communities children deserve, and celebrating our successes. Take ownership, push to new heights, and break old boundaries by following the strategies in this book. Discover

  • Practical ideas and suggestions for how to serve as a beacon of hope in the field
  • First-hand experiences from enthusiastic leaders modeling what passionate leadership looks like
  • Charts and graphs that will help you assess your strong points and identify areas you can improve on

Student success and growth begin with leaders who commit to taking courageous action!


Acknowledgments and Dedication
About the Authors
Introduction: Fueling the Passion in Our Schools
Chapter 1: A Learning Culture, Not a Teaching Culture
Everyone Works to Learn

Unintended Consequences

An Aligned System of Improvement

Growth From the Inside Out

Quality Levels of Support

Support and Growth Through Feedback

Leadership: Choosing Your Direction

Charting the Difference

Fueling Passion Through Opportunity

A Culture of Joy and Fulfillment

Creating A Learning Culture by Design: Commitment and Desire

Chapter 2: Developing the Desire for Change to Grow Faster
Speeding Up the Process

Feedback Faster: Creating Systems of Improvement

Systematizing PD and Feedback

Defining the Outcomes

Something for Everyone

Technical Tip #1: Everyone Gets a Personal Growth Plan

Technical Tip #2: Hire for a Growth Mindset

Chapter 3: The Wonder of a Work Ethic
Everyone Contributes

Everyone Means Everyone

Break the Cycle of Failure

Embrace an I Believe Attitude

Leadership: Choosing Your Direction

Charting the Difference

Empower Student Ownership by Creating New Opportunities

A Culture Where Everyone Is Connected and Leadership Matters

Creating a Community of Support by Design: Networking and Storytelling

Chapter 4: Stronger Backs, Not Lighter Loads
A Contribution is Mandatory

Making a Mark: The Best Ways to Make an Impact

Systematizing Strengths

Defining the Roles and Naming the Positions

Everybody Makes a Difference

Technical Tip #1: Survey for Strengths, Hobbies, and Fun Projects

Technical Tip #2: Hiring Contributors

Chapter 5: Committing to a Culture of Celebration
The Power of Connection

The Revolving Door

You Can’t Lift Anything Up While You’re Pushing It Down

There’s More Than One Way to Define Success

Leadership: Choosing Your Direction

Charting the Difference

Know Where You’re Going, How to Get There, and if You’re in the Right Vehicle

A Culture of Celebration

Creating a Positive Culture by Design: Recognition and Understanding

Chapter 6: Positive Educators Ignite the System
Celebrate Like You Mean It

Two Data Treasure Troves: Create Short-Term Wins Through Goal-Setting

Systematizing Celebrations

Defining What and Why We Celebrate

Diversifying the Who

Technical Tip #1: Building the Budget to Celebrate

Technical Tip #2: Hiring Positive People

Conclusion: A Blueprint for Sustaining Passion in Our Schools

“In an era of high stakes testing and accountability as the key measures of school and student success, the authors provide a powerful blueprint for leaders to rethink what’s important in our schools. Passionate Leadership offers practical strategies, real stories and “how to” guidance that will inspire every educator to do great things for all students. After more than forty-five years in education, I know firsthand about the power of creating a positive and supportive culture with passionate educators and engaged students. The authors have found a solutionsoriented formula that makes schools inviting learning environments students and teachers deserve. Passionate Leadership is a must read!”

Steven H. Godowsky, EdD

“All school communities need passionate leaders who are committed to meeting the needs of ALL students! Such leaders must be committed, inquisitive, and reflection and action oriented. They must desire to grow and improve. This book takes that into account as it pushes the reader to consider how they think about their leadership, their ability to motivate themselves and others, and the steps and actions needed to be the leader others desire to follow and support. The takeaways and tips are invaluable as they provide direct instruction through the stories of other strong and successful leaders. If one wishes to be a relationship-builder who moves the needle through passion and influence rather than title and authority, this is indeed a worthwhile read!”

Mark Holodick, EdD, Superintendent, Brandywine School District
Brandywine School District

“Three exceptional administrators shed new light on why passion is so important in education. The vivid stories in this timely book go beyond exhortations to show in detail how inspired leaders transform schools, empower teachers, and enrich students.”

Robert L. Hampel
University of Delware

“As the Delaware State Teacher of the Year, I traveled around to a number of schools and heard from teachers and leaders from across the country. It was evident to me at the time that the real difference maker for what distinguishes a great teacher or a great school can be summed up in one word: passion. In reading Passionate Leadership, I was simply reminded that we must come together with a growth mindset, more will than ever, and the celebratory attitude that our schools need for us to be our best every single day. Don’t read this book once or twice, read it once or twice every year.”

Dr. Lea Wainwright

“Education is the most critical aspect of our society. Principals and schools have the responsibility to educate children to be thoughtful and enterprising citizens for the greater good of the world in which we live. All students can learn in an environment that is caring with adults who nurture the “whole” student, including mind, body, and spirit. A principal’s task is to create that environment by developing a vision and strategically cultivating other leaders in the school to stand behind it. Great principals recognize that everyone in the school must be held accountable for real success to become a reality. Leadership is a shared responsibility, and it’s only passionate leaders who inspire others to greatness by being the change that we wish to see in the world. As the principal of the Early College High School at Delaware State University, my mission is to prepare students to do college-level work by the time they are 15 years old. That simply cannot happen without passion. This book, Passionate Leadership, offers a how-to manual on having passion in whatever area you’re leading. Read it, and you’ll be ready to take your school to the next level.”

Dr. Evelyn Edney
Delaware State University
Key features
  • The authors have identified the most common obstacles to passionate leadership (Trip Traps) and how to avoid them
  • Mantras to Live By – guides for a passionate start to every morning
  • The book is written by practitioners for practitioners with examples from the field including 3 inspirational stories and 6 vignettes with key takeaways
  • The authors divide passionate culture into three distinct features and provide easy-to-use charts to identify where cultures are lacking so you can work to improve them.
  • How-To’s that reveal the practical next steps for leaders
  • Tips for hiring practices so that your passionate leadership efforts are sustainable for the future
  • Every chapter ends with Reflection Questions so that you can take inventory and take action right away
  • The authors conclude the book with an action-oriented reflection activity and self-assessment to be used by individuals or teams.

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ISBN: 9781544345697

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