Angela R. Clark-Louque

Dr. Angela Clark-Louque is Professor and Department Chair of Educational Leadership and Technology at California State University, San Bernardino. She has served in several educational capacities during her career. This year, she was chosen as the Outstanding Faculty in Research and Scholarly Activities and in 2015 she was the Outstanding Faculty in Teaching
At the university level, she has served as an associate dean of academic affairs, director of graduate studies, department chair of doctoral studies, director of educational administration, and director of teacher education. At the community college level, she served as a counselor and mathematics faculty, and at the K-12 level, she served as an administrator and mathematics/social science teacher.
Dr. Clark-Louque continues to teach advanced human resources, qualitative research methods, and leadership courses to aspiring and practicing school leaders. Her research activities include peer-reviewed publications, grants, and reports. She has co-authored a book entitled, “Exposing the ‘Culture of Arrogance’ in the Academy: A Blueprint for Increasing Black Faculty Satisfaction in Higher Education” (2005), and served as the co-editor and editor of the Journal of Urban Learning, Teaching, and Research (2007-2010) through the American Educational Research Association (AERA).
Her qualitative and quantitative research has focused on culturally proficient leadership, African Americans in educational leadership, developing and mentoring culturally proficient school leaders, and parental engagement. In 2010, she graduated from the Thomas Lakin Institute for Mentored Leadership, a national network of African American Community College CEOs. She was appointed the Committee Chair of Political Activism for the NAACP – Southwest Riverside Region and was asked to serve on the Los Angeles Committee of Honor for the Freedom’s Sisters exhibit and tour, which pays homage to a group of extraordinary African-American women who have shaped the spirit and substance of civil rights in America.
Dr. Louque is a native of Memphis, Tenn. and is a graduate of George Washington Carver High School, the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and Loyola Marymount University (LMU). She earned her doctorate in Educational Leadership: Institutional Management from Pepperdine University and has credentials and certifications in teaching: mathematics and social science; and administration: preliminary and professional (Tier I and Tier II).