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Lynda Tredway

Lynda Tredway began her career as a teacher, project coordinator, teacher-educator, and leader-educator in 1969 in D.C. Public Schools as a secondary classroom teacher. She has worked with students and teachers in her role as Socratic Seminar Coordinator for DC Schools and Project Coordinator for National History Day at DC Historical Society, graduate students at George Washington University in teacher education and U.C. Berkeley’s Principal Leadership Institute for 19 years. The PLI was instituted in 2000 and has prepared over 400 leaders for Bay Area schools and has a 92% retention rate in the roles of urban leadership. Tredway was instrumental in developing the processes, structures and securing the funding for the Leadership Connection for Justice in Education at U.C. Berkeley which includes a three year induction program for novice leaders (Leadership Support Program), the Griot Project for veteran leaders, and contract work for coaching leaders and equity-centered professional development in Bay Area urban districts. During her work as a teacher, project coordinator, and university coordinator and faculty, she has written articles and books, including the 2010 Leading from the Inside Out: Expanded Roles of Teachers in Equitable Schools. Tredway has presented at AERA, California Association for Bilingual Education, and Coalition of Essential Schools Fall Forum. Her most recent work in schools and districts is the subject of the proposed book: asset observations and conversations for teachers and leaders. As the subject indicates, she has worked from the inside out to develop a process for teachers and leaders investigating their work and building capacity in ways that are unique in school reform efforts. Currently, she is concluding her work at U.C. Berkeley after co-developing and field-testing an equity-centered leadership rubric for assessing leadership. She is and will continue to consult with the following districts and universities: Oakland USD, Omaha Public Schools (NEA Foundation grant), North Carolina State University, Alameda Academy, and the Institute for Educational Leadership.