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Frank Lyman

Frank Lyman was an elementary school teacher and a field-based educator of both university students and classroom teachers, K-12, from 1960 to 1996. He discovered and collaborated in the development of teaching strategies such as Think-Pair-Share, cognitive mapping, and the ThinkTrix. He worked with teachers, graduate students, and university colleagues to develop reflective teacher tools, such as theory-practice templates and a problem solving/research design. He is a graduate of Haverford College, the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and the University of Maryland, College Park. His doctoral dissertation at Maryland [1978] focused on teachers’ significant and durable learning experiences. Since 1996, he has taught courses on pedagogy and leadership and consulted in the areas of critical thinking for students and educational leaders. His recognitions include the Maryland ATE Educator of the Year, The National Association of Teacher Educators Clinician of the Year, The Maryland ASCD Judith Ruchkin Research Award, the Phi Delta Pi Educator of the Year Award, The University of Maryland Presidential Award for Service to the Schools, and The University of Maryland College of Education Alumni Association Outstanding Professional Award of 2010.