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[Podcast] Leading for All: How to Create Truly Inclusive and Excellent Schools
[Podcast] Leading for All: How to Create Truly Inclusive and Excellent Schools

Featured on the The Think Inclusive Podcast. Jennifer Spencer-Iiams, Assistant Superintendent for the West Linn-Wilsonville School District, talks to The Think Inclusive Podcast about the transformation in her district toward inclusive practices. Her book, Leading for All, shares lessons learned from years building district schools where all students are served in their neighborhood school and classrooms with their general education peers.

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Podcast: 5 Habits to Peak Performance
Podcast: 5 Habits to Peak Performance

Listen in on this podcast from Shift for Wellness with Peak Performing Teacher author Mike Kuczala. In the podcast, he uncovers 5 key habits for improving your performance.

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Podcast: Thriving Through Hyperchange With Dwight Carter
Podcast: Thriving Through Hyperchange With Dwight Carter

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, award-winning principal Dwight Carter shares how school leaders can maintain positivity in the midst of accelerating changes - and even learn to embrace them.

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Podcast: Leading SEL by Modeling It With James Bailey & Randy Weiner
Podcast: Leading SEL by Modeling It With James Bailey & Randy Weiner

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, The Daily SEL Leader authors discuss how social-emotional learning is personal work, and school leaders have to be willing to engage in the work themselves before they can lead others in doing the work.

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Podcast: Navigating Resistance to Equity Work with Candace Raskin & Melissa Krull
Podcast: Navigating Resistance to Equity Work with Candace Raskin & Melissa Krull

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Candace Raskin and Melissa Krull discuss why there is resistance to "doing what's right for students," and how school leaders can start to break down or go around that resistance.

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Podcast: Re-Engaging Multilingual Learners with Debbie Zacarian, Margarita Calderon, and Margo Gottlieb
Podcast: Re-Engaging Multilingual Learners with Debbie Zacarian, Margarita Calderon, and Margo Gottlieb

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, the authors of Beyond Crises discuss how after the distance learning experiments of 2020, schools have an opportunity to engage multilingual learners and their families in a whole new way - or maybe even for the first time.

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Podcast: The Right Drivers for Whole System Success with Michael Fullan
Podcast: The Right Drivers for Whole System Success with Michael Fullan

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Michael Fullan sits down with Peter DeWitt to talk about the new right drivers that bring whole system success: wellbeing, social intelligence, equality investments, and systemness.

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Podcast: The Imperative of SEL with John and Jessica Hannigan
Podcast: The Imperative of SEL with John and Jessica Hannigan

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, the authors of SEL From a Distance speak from their own experience about how important social-emotional learning (SEL) is for students, teachers, and school leaders.

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Podcast: Engaging Kids in Learning Transfer with Julie Stern
Podcast: Engaging Kids in Learning Transfer with Julie Stern

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Julie Stern talks about the importance of how teaching conceptual understanding can be a powerful way to engage students not only in learning, but in processing their own experiences.

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Podcast: The Game of Grading with Tom Guskey
Podcast: The Game of Grading with Tom Guskey

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, author Tom Guskey and Peter DeWitt discuss the downfalls of percentage grading, how grading is sometimes used as a punishment, and Tom's recommendations for better grading practices. 

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Podcast: High Expectations and Authenticity With Debbie Silver
Podcast: High Expectations and Authenticity With Debbie Silver

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, power house speaker and author Debbie Silver joins Peter DeWitt to talk about the importance of reaching students with authenticity and empowering them with high expectations.

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Podcast: How Leaders Can Help Mentor New Teachers With Carol Radford
Podcast: How Leaders Can Help Mentor New Teachers With Carol Radford

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, author, speaker, and expert mentor Carol Radford shares her expertise on why mentoring continues to be an important element of any teacher's success - but especially for new teachers after COVID-19.

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Podcast: Affirming Every Student's Humanity With Sharone Brinkley-Parker, Tracey Durant, Kandice Taylor, Lisa Williams, Kendra Johnson, and Johari Toe
Podcast: Affirming Every Student's Humanity With Sharone Brinkley-Parker, Tracey Durant, Kandice Taylor, Lisa Williams, Kendra Johnson, and Johari Toe

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, the six authors of Humanity Over Comfort share their thoughts on how we can all contribute to achieving equity.

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Podcast: Leveling Up Your Leadership With Daniel Bauer
Podcast: Leveling Up Your Leadership With Daniel Bauer

In this Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Daniel Bauer talks improving leadership development through masterminds: small groups of school leaders coming together to support each other and "level up" their leadership.

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Podcast: Empowering Women in School Leadership With Trudy Arriaga and Delores Lindsey
Podcast: Empowering Women in School Leadership With Trudy Arriaga and Delores Lindsey

In this important Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, authors Trudy Arriaga and Delores Lindsey share new stories about women in school leadership, and paint a picture of what gender equity actually looks like.

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Podcast: Improving School Leadership Teams With Anthony Kim
Podcast: Improving School Leadership Teams With Anthony Kim

In this super practical Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, organizational development expert Anthony Kim shares better habits for school leadership teams to adopt.

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Podcast: Leading 5 Generations in Your School With Mark White
Podcast: Leading 5 Generations in Your School With Mark White

In this far-reaching Leaders Coaching Leaders podcast episode, Peter DeWitt and Mark White discuss how schools can leverage new technology to reach their youngest teachers and students, how to retain and attract more Millennials and Gen Z teachers, and how to move from managing to coaching with all generations

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Podcast: Collaborating to Address Student Mental Health
Podcast: Collaborating to Address Student Mental Health

All educators — all school staff — need to see themselves as part of a formal or informal mental health network whose members routinely collaborate to support sound student mental health. But they need to be supported by mental health practitioners and parents to provide the widest possible safety net for students. Martha Staeheli, Ph.D., explains in this Cultivating Resilience Podcast.

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