"The quality journey requires a commitment on both the personal and the institutional level. Bonstingl's Five Practices of Quality are the essential building blocks to attain personal goals that will lead to the attainment of institutional excellence. He is truly a leader of the Quality revolution."
"My hat’s off to Jay Bonstingl and his third edition of Schools of Quality for pointing out that quality in schools is a process of working in teams, self-assessment, improvement of systems, and having students actively engaged in their learning through problem-solving tools and the use of data for continuous improvement."
"When the leader of an education organization seeks to transform her school into a functional system, she turns to Jay Bonstingl for support and is guided by the principles and practices in Schools of Quality. Dr. Bonstingl’s work should be read by all educators seeking to implement quality practices in their schools."
"The best introduction to Quality Philosophy available to practitioners today. Bonstingl has skillfully interpreted the Quality Philosophy to help create environments where the generation of profound knowledge allows school districts to continuously improve."
"A reader-friendly book filled with essential wisdom to help educators grow Quality in the lives of their students and make Quality a way of being in their own personal and professional lives."