"This is a great book for teaching a class of future leaders. It offers ideas for beginners and affirms best practice for veterans. I have already engaged in discussions with my colleagues about what I have read."
"Provides detailed information on the essential themes in effective education. The book gives educational leaders encouragement as well as practical tools."
“This book is filled with strategies to assist school leaders in assessing and monitoring many of the important elements that must be in place for kids to be successful: the leadership of the principal, the culture of the school, the health of the school, and more. There are excellent tools that savvy leaders have been searching for—tools that will help them achieve their strategic vision of continuous improvement.”
"Offers rich, authentic descriptions of the hard, complex job of providing pressure and support to change cultures within ineffective schools."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for writing such a great book! You’re knocking my socks off! I know this boook wasn't written for school board members, but occasionally literature written for administrators or teachers helps me understand how I can do a better job as a school board member—and this book definitely falls into that category! I’ve probably underlined more of your sentences and written more notes to myself in the margin than I have in a very long time when reading a good book."