"The book makes a contribution to the education of English language learners. It provides practical instructional suggestions for teachers of both ELLs and SELs that are informed by a deep understanding of theories of second language and second dialect acquisition and the development of reading and writing proficiencies."
"The concepts of gaps and bridges are clearly articulated up front and provide a well-structured theme that unites the various parts of the text. The use of this structure provides a logical and coherent mechanism for providing a complete picture of the problem—the literacy gap between ELs and native speakers—and a means for addressing this problem."
"The strategies are clearly presented and there is just enough research cited to provide the rationale for incorporating ideas into instruction. Any teacher will find this book practical, and the discussions will provide meaningful ideas for study groups at the school site."
"This book presents content that is crucial for narrowing the achievement gap and powerful practical instructional strategies for increasing student achievement."
Text was highly detailed and clear