"In this era of accountability, educators feel as though professional development is something being done to them, and then Kristen Swanson and the Edcamp Foundation came along. Edcamps are exciting, engaging unconferences that put the learning back into the hands of educators, and in this book Kristen Swanson provides step-by-step directions so educators can create their own in their building, district, county or state. It’s a must read for anyone who wants to put the professional in professional development."
"This book, written by members of The Edcamp Foundation, is a first-hand account of the Edcamp model for professional development from the people who were with it from the very beginning. Dr. Swanson’s insights into how the Edcamp Model meets the needs of educators in their pursuit of personalized learning for professional development is founded in the experience of designing and supporting Edcamps since the very first one in Philadelphia.
"The leadership of Kristen Swanson and her collaborate professional network has nurtured a growing community of learners through the power of the Edcamp model. This book provides the energy, urgency, and resources to continue to spread Edcamp-style learning into classrooms, schools, districts, and collaborative networks around the country. Anyone looking to take control of their learning, lead next generation adult learning, or build new energy surrounding the ways that kids learn each day should make this book a part of their learning today.
"Swanson outlines a new kind of professional development that is sure to revolutionize how educators improve their craft. This step-by-step blueprint for success demonstrates PD that is remarkably simple and brilliant. I don't know an educator who won't love The EdCamp Model."
"This book is the ultimate "how-to" guide to plan and design your own Edcamp, whether it be within your district or in your region. It gives you "how to's", guidance on getting organizer's feedback, and data on the successes of the Edcamp models. It is a "must" for all leaders who are in the process or idea stage of organizing and running a successful Edcamp. This needs to be on your shelf!"
"Professional development today is in intensive care. Trainings and workshops are boring and lifeless. What professional development needs is a jolt. Edcamps are the defibrillators that are going to bring professional development back to life. Kristen Swanson and the Edcamp Foundation have authored an amazing resource to put a charge into your professional learning. Use this amazing resource to put learning into the hands of those most affected--the teachers. No more life support, no more boring meetings. Edcamps are shockingly awesome. CLEAR!"