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Onboarding Teachers

Onboarding Teachers
A Playbook for Getting New Staff Up to Speed

First Edition

June 2023 | 256 pages | Corwin

It’s all about the right support, at the right time, in the right amount

New teaching staff, whether novice or veteran, are a central part of a successful school year. So why is it that they are often greeted at the door of our school community with the autopilot vibe of a ticket taker at the movies? Onboarding Teachers changes the rules of engagement, offering activities and practical strategies that focus leaders and coaches on critical aspects of success for that make-or-break first year.

Built on high-impact instructional and coaching practices and ready for you to roll out in four eight-week cycles, everything you need is here:

  • Timely content aligned to needs as they come up throughout the year including the physical environment, engagement, and classroom management
  • Checklists and self assessments to gauge readiness
  • Sample emails and communication tips for various audiences
  • Coaching scenarios to apply and reflect on strategies
  • Links to access additional resources on-line

Half of all new teachers leave the profession within five years. We can reduce that attrition by integrating new members in a way that deepens connection and practice. With Onboarding Teachers, the wish for new teachers to find their stride becomes a plan.

Introduction: Building a New Generation of Educators
Cycle 1. Planning for Your First Day of School
Cycle 2. Starting Out Strong
Cycle 3. How Are We Building Students’ Perceptions of Excellence?
Cycle 4. Are We Teaching With Clarity?
Cycle 5. How Are We Using Evidence-Based Instruction to Foster Student Ownership of Their Learning?
Cycle 6. How Do We Teach Responsively?
Cycle 7. How Will Students Know They Are Successful?
Cycle 8. Closing the Year and Moving Forward

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ISBN: 9781071913468

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